“Most definitely. After handing me the book, Pauline sent me into the kitchen to get her a cup of tea. I held my present to my chest. No one had ever given me anything. Ever.”

Lance shook his head. “Not even for your birthday?”

“Not even then. Pauline’s gift was the only one I’d ever received.” Danielle closed her eyes and brought up the vision of that horrible day. “When I walked into the kitchen, I saw my mother putting one of Pauline’s silver trays into her bag. I’d seen my mother do that kind of thing many times, but she’d always have some kind of reason why, like needing to get something repaired or cleaned. For many years, I accepted everything she told me. But growing into my adolescence and turning twelve, I realized it had been lies all along. I’d been so foolish.”

“You were only a child, sweetheart.” Chuck patted her tenderly.

“I had to tell Pauline. I turned to go to her, but Miguel grabbed me. I’ll never forget how evil his eyes looked that day. He bent down and said, ‘What are you doing, you little fuck? Don’t you dare tell that bitch anything. You do and you die, and so does Pauline. Understand?’ He saw the book and his lips curled into a twisted smile. ‘The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, Danielle. Nice little treasure you lifted.’ I told him that Pauline had given me the book, and I tried to wiggle free from his hold. But he held me tight.”

“Motherfucker,” Lance cursed through cl

enched teeth.

“That’s when he told me what the scam was and what my job had been for all those dear people we’d stolen from. I’ll never forget his words that day. ‘Everything in this house is mine, Danielle, including this book. You’re worthless. You don’t deserve anything, you little bitch.’ I cried. I saw my mother, but like always, she didn’t take a single step to save me. He cursed and shoved me in a closet, threatening to cut my throat if I moved a muscle. He shut the door and I shook violently. When I caught my breath, I bolted out of the closet. Miguel stood behind Pauline. She smiled at me. And then Miguel swung a lamp at the dear woman’s head.”

“Oh my God,” they both said in unison.

With tears of grief welling up in her eyes, she continued. “As Pauline’s body fell to the ground, I ran out the door and down the street. I kept running. I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t look back. I knew I couldn’t go back. Not to him. Not even to my mother. Pauline was dead. He’d killed her. That first night, behind a dumpster, I cried myself to sleep.”

Lance and Chuck held her close.

“Even though I’d been in the dark about the cons Miguel and my mom had run, I had learned how to survive growing up with them. Because of their selfishness and neglect, I had to. I hitched a ride to Los Angeles, thinking they wouldn’t be able to find me in such a big city. Even though I was only twelve, I got a job waiting tables, claiming to be sixteen. That’s when all the lies and running started.”

Lance kissed her. “You don’t have to run anymore.”

“We’ll make sure you don’t.” Chuck stroked her hair.

“I like it here. I like being with you two. I ended up in Wilde because of the stories Pauline told me about it. She grew up here as a child. The way she talked about that time sounded incredible. All those years of running, I never forgot them. Now, I’m here.”

“With us.” Lance smiled. “This town does seem special.”

“We’ve only been here a couple of days, but I completely agree, buddy.”

She grabbed their hands, feeling better than she had in her entire life. Pauline was right. “Wilde is like no other place on the planet.”

Chuck kissed her neck. “And you’re like no other woman I’ve ever known.”

Tingles spread through her body. She turned her head to him, inviting his lips to take hers.

Their kiss began tenderly, deepening to hot passion until her toes curled and her breath caught in her chest.

She felt Lance stroke her hair. Turning to him, she saw his soft, loving eyes lock in on her. She wanted his lips on hers, too, just like they’d been in the dream.

As if he’d read her mind, he pressed his mouth to hers, delivering a shiver up and down her spine. It felt so good to really let go. She’d had to be tough and guarded for so long. Unlike her, they had experience with sex that was evident with every kiss and caress. The more they touched her, the more her body responded. She wanted this, wanted it with all her heart. They were wonderful men and had been so good to her. She’d trusted them with her secrets. Couldn’t she trust them with more? Deep inside, she wanted to.

As Lance’s tongue slipped past her lips, Chuck gently reached under her blouse and bra and massaged her breasts. Feeling his hands on her skin raised her desires beyond anything she’d ever experienced. No one has ever touched me there.

Lance slipped off the sofa and knelt in front of her between her thighs. She watched him unbutton her pants. “You’re beautiful, Danielle. You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” Slowly, he slipped her slacks down, exposing her pale pink thong.

Oh God. This feels so good.

Chuck’s thumbs grazed her nipples, causing them to tighten and tingle.

Lance pulled her thong down to her knees, and she saw his eyes widen and a smile spread across his face. He bent down and dotted kisses on her inner thighs, moving ever so slowly closer to her pussy.

Her insides burned hot, reaching deep into her core. She wanted them so very much, but she must let them know she’d never been with anyone. Ever.

She took a deep breath. “Stop.”