“The pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together.” Sheriff Champion filled Austin in on what had happened outside of Norma’s Diner. “It’s very clear who is after her.”

He handed the brick and note to Austin.

Austin read the note. His gaze returned to Danielle. “Any light you can shed on this or on who Soto is?”

“You already asked her that,” Lance shot at him. “Back off.”

The man’s hands curled into fists. Didn’t matter. If they had to come to blows, so be it. Lance’s need to protect Danielle was so massive inside him. He would do whatever necessary to make sure she remained safe—not just from the cartel’s thugs or this Soto guy, but even from Austin’s unspoken accusations, if need be.

“Hold on, men,” the sheriff said calmly. “Let’s table this. I’m in charge of this investigation.

“Look, Sheriff. I’m only trying to help her,” Austin stated. “The more I know, the more I can do for her. We all want the same thing. We want Danielle to be safe.”

Hearing that and seeing the man’s hands relax made Lance feel better about Austin.

“What about Trent?” The concern in Danielle’s voice was unmistakable.

“I spoke with Masters just a few minutes ago,” Austin said. “Trent isn’t crazy about being assigned bodyguards.”

“Can’t blame him.” She smiled, turning to him and Chuck. “It could be worse.”

The man’s face darkened. “You’re damn right it could be.”

“Too bad,” the sheriff stated. “Until I say so, both Danielle and Trent will have protective detail around them at all times. How’s Trent holding up?”

“After the hell he went through, better than most. The guy is tough.”

Brandon nodded. “Coming from you, Austin, that’s saying a lot.”

“Trent is tough like his sister, Mackenzie.” The sheriff turned to him and Chuck. “Time to take you to the gun store.”

“Past time.” Chuck’s tone had a steely edge he’d heard a million times. It was time to get to the job at hand—protecting Danielle.


Lance put his arm around her shoulder. “We’re taking you on a date.”

Chuck nodded. “Tonight.”

The sheriff reached for his keys and began walking toward the door. “After we get you two pistols, of course. A date might be good for you, Danielle.”

Lance touched her cheek. “We’ll stay sharp and remain on guard, but I want to get your mind off of this mess.”

“That would be great,” she said, her eyes wide. “I need a break from all of this.”

Chapter Seven

As she unlocked the door to her house, Danielle’s insides whirled like mad. She led Lance and Chuck inside. Each of them had guns holstered inside their jackets. Lance had a Glock and Chuck had a .45 magnum.

Miguel is coming for me.

“I love your place.” Chuck’s gaze wandered around her home. Lance smiled. “It fits you, Danielle.”

“But you just met me.”

“I know, but it goes along with your sweet personality.” He held her hand. “There are clues all over the place about who you are, especially in your decorations.”

Chuck put his arm around her. “Comfortable and welcoming.”