“If you’re going to be Danielle’s new bodyguards, we’ll have to get you armed.”

“How good are you two vith guns?” Carlotta asked.

“Actually, we’re quite good. Chuck and I have won our share of medals at the gun range.”

Brandon shrugged. “A paper target doesn’t move, Lance.”

“I’m really good at skeet shooting. They move.”

The sheriff laughed, breaking the tension slightly. The rest joined in, allowing everyone a chance to breathe.

“Men,” the sheriff said, “Danielle’s got her own gun.”

Lance looked at her, shocked at the revelation. “Is that true?”

She nodded. “Everyone in Wilde has a gun.”

“I don’t want her to use it—ever,” Sheriff Champion stated firmly. “She shouldn’t have to, if you do your jobs.”

“As her bodyguards, I swear we will make sure she is safe.” Lance looked at Chuck and saw the same determination in his face.

“Sheriff, do you have a gun store here?” Chuck asked.

A knock on the door startled all of them.

Sheriff Champion stood.

Brandon’s hand went inside his jacket.

He and Chuck jumped in front of Danielle and Carlotta to block them from whoever might come through the door.

“Sheriff, it’s Austin Wilde. I’ve got news.”

He saw Brandon’s hand return to his side and the sheriff sighed, which made everyone relax.

“Come in,” the sheriff said.

The man walked into the office. He had a bearing of authority that couldn’t be missed.

“Austin, I’d like you to meet Lance Archer and Chuck Covington. They will be Danielle’s acting bodyguards.”

They shook hands.

“What’s the news?” Brandon asked.

“Someone has approached the cartel about Danielle,” Austin stated. “A guy who just got out of prison. Quite the rap sheet, too. Burglar and con artist turned drug dealer. Name of Miguel Soto.”

Danielle’s face turned white, but she didn’t say a word.

Austin continued. “He was in for murder. What I’ve drummed up so far on the guy is he contacted the cartel for their resources. Made some big promises to them. You know anything about him?” he asked Danielle.

She didn’t answer.

Lance saw a look on her face that didn’t sit well with him. She was afraid.

The sheriff looked at Danielle like a father would a daughter. “Honey, don’t worry. We’ll investigate this.” He turned to Austin. “What else?”

“Whatever Soto told the cartel about Danielle must’ve worked. They seem more excited about Danielle than ever before.”