Suddenly, Lance and Chuck pulled her out of the way.

The car swerved back onto Main Street.

Four men were inside, all wielding guns.

One of the bastards threw a brick her direction.

Brandon ran out the door, stopping to fire his gun. He was too late. The car turned onto the highway and sped away.

Chapter Six

Chuck lifted Danielle up in his arms. She was trembling like a leaf. I just found her and almost lost her. “Are you alright?”

With her arms around his neck, she nodded. “I’m okay, just a little shaken.”

“You’re going to be fine. I promise.” Lance’s face had an air of determination that Chuck hadn’t seen in a very long time.

“I’m so glad you both were here.” She sighed. “I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been.”

Chuck lowered her to her feet, scanning every person and car nearby.

Lance put his arm around her. “We were here, Danielle, and I’m not leaving your side until I can be certain you will be safe.” Obviously, his friend was already falling for Danielle, too.

Chuck picked up the brick that had been flung from the car. “There are rubber bands around this. Looks like a note of some kind.” He turned to Brandon. “This cartel thing is more serious than I imagined.” He freed the piece of paper and held it up. “That was them, right?”

“Without a doubt. Did anyone catch the license plate number?”

“I did, Brandon. It vas an Arizona plate.” Carlotta held up a piece of paper. “I vrote it down just now.” She handed it

to Brandon.

Brandon read the paper. “Quick thinking, Carlotta. Dad can use this.”

“I’m not just a pretty face, young man. I’ve got a brain, too.” The woman’s voice trembled, clearly trying to shake off what had just happened.

Lance walked up to stand next to Brandon. “Chuck, what does the note say?”

His gut tightened as he read the message. “Dear Ms. Glass, we know you have our money. Consider this a warning. Return what is ours in forty-eight hours or suffer the consequences.”

“This is a nightmare.” Danielle shook her head, clearly in a state of disbelief. “A total nightmare.”

“My God, dey know her name.”

Lance grabbed Danielle’s hand. “You’re not alone in this.”

Chuck handed the note to Brandon. “Do you recognize that symbol at the bottom of the page? I’ve never seen it before.”

It was a circle with three lines running vertically through it.

“It’s the cartel’s calling card. Not sure what it means except it’s how they identify their territory. You’ll see it on walls, on buildings, and fences throughout the Southwest. We need to go see my dad,” Brandon said. “All of us. He’ll want to take our statements.”

“First, vee take Danielle to Dr. Champion. I vant her checked out thoroughly. She might’ve hurt herself getting out of da vay of dat car.”

“No, Carlotta. Alex spent the entire night in his car outside my place as my bodyguard. He’s exhausted. Really, I’m fine.” Danielle had a ton of courage, which he couldn’t get over. “Because of Lance and Chuck, I’m perfectly fine. I don’t want to waste time. I want to get this to Sheriff Champion right now.”

Carlotta nodded. “As you vish, child.”

Chuck turned to Brandon. “I want to find out everything the sheriff knows.”