“Carlotta, I cannot let you do that.”

“I have never argued vith da spirits, and I don’t intend to start now, young lady.”

Chuck turned to Danielle. “Sounds like you are free tonight.”

“How about dinner this evening?” Lance asked.

She grinned at Carlotta. “I better not upset the spirits.”

“Now you are talking,” the woman said. “Go, child. Have fun.”

“You were listening at the door, weren’t you?”

“Danielle, a psychic never tells her secrets. Professional courtesy, you understand.”

Suddenly, the front door opened and in walked two men, carrying more vases of roses in every color imaginable.

“My goodness.” Carlotta smiled and shook her head. “Put them with the others, gentlemen.” She turned to Lance and Chuck. “Dese men aren’t from Vilde.”

“No,” Chuck answered. “The florist here only had that first batch, but we wanted to send more. So we called the other towns close to here.”

“We wanted to impress Danielle,” Lance offered.

“A single rose would’ve done that, guys,” she told them, gazing at the roses on the counter. “Thank you. I’ve never gotten flowers before. And certainly not this many.”

“I told you two. A single rose vould’ve been just fine.” Carlotta winked. “You children have fun tonight.”

Fun? Danielle had been running from her past for so long she’d never stopped to have fun. “I better get home and get ready for our date. The Horseshoe Bar and Grill has incredible burgers. Or we could eat here.”

“Leave the night up to us to plan.” Lance squeezed her hand, sending a shiver up and down her spine.

“Okay. Let me say good-bye to Carlotta first. Then we can go.” Time for some fun. Another shiver rolled through her. It’s only dinner. She went into the kitchen.

Sitting at the employee table in the back, Brandon was finishing his slice of pie. “Everything okay, Danielle?”

“Relax. I’m fine.” She turned to her boss. “Carlotta, I won’t argue about tonight, but I will be here for my shift in the morning.”

The sweet lady smiled. “Ve vill see how your evening goes before vee decide.”

“You’re too much. We’re going on a date. Dinner. That’s the chance they get.” She actually was hoping for a wonderful evening with the two sexy men.

Carlotta and Brandon followed her back into the dining room.

“I’m ready to go.” She headed to the door.

Brandon leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “Take good care of her, fellows.”

Lance turned to him. “Absolutely.”

Chuck nodded.

They were right behind her as they walked out of the diner.

As she stepped onto the sidewalk, she heard tires screeching.

Looking up, she saw a black sedan heading straight for her.

This is it. This is how I die.