“Thank you. That sounds so good.” He took the cup. “This reminds me of my residency. I lived on coffee the whole time.”

“I didn’t bring any sugar or cream. Do you need any?”

“Black is perfect.” He took a sip. “How did you sleep?”

“Like a log,” she lied. “I really think your dad is going overboard, don’t you?”

“He’s sheriff, Danielle. He takes his job very seriously. The cartel isn’t something to take lightly.”

“You’re right, but I do have a gun. I know how to protect myself.”

“I’m sure you do.” Alex shook his head. “Until my dad gives the green light, you will have bodyguards. My brothers and I will be keeping watch on you. Brandon will be here shortly to take my place.”

“I really do appreciate what you, Justin, and Brandon are doing, but I worry about you guys getting enough rest. Shelby is so sweet, allowing you three to do this, but I hate that I’m taking you away from each other.”

“Danielle, this will get cleared up before you know it. Dad and Austin are working hard to make sure it does.”

“What if it doesn’t, Alex? How long will you and your brothers be able to keep this up? Have you thought about that possibility?”

He shrugged. “We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it. If, and that’s a very big if, this lingers for a while, I’m sure we can get some relief bodyguards to fill in from time to time. There’s plenty of local single men around town ready to lend a hand to a damsel in distress like yourself.”

Her mind instantly brought up images of Lance and Chuck. “Like you said, I guess we’ll cross that bridge later.”

He gulped down the rest of the coffee and hand

ed her back the cup. “Thank you again.”

“No. Thank you. Would you like another cup?”

“No thanks.” His cell buzzed. “It’s Shelby.”

“Please, tell her I said hello and thanks.”

“I will.” He got back in his car, and she saw his face light up as he began talking to the love of his life.

Danielle walked back into her house. She was renting it from Maude Strong, who was only charging her half what the place should be going for. It was a sweet place—a two-bedroom, one-bath bungalow. Just perfect for me.

As always, she patted the book Pauline had given her long ago, her favorite. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The woman had always been so good to her. She was like a grandmother.

Danielle sat down at her kitchen table, listening to the drips of the leaky faucet, which Maude promised to replace. Actually, the sweet lady was slowly remodeling the whole thing for her. The bathroom fixtures were top of the line, and the appliances were stainless steel. She knew the rent Maude charged her was too little. She smiled, remembering the cookies her landlady had brought her the last time she’d come over to fix an outlet that wasn’t working. Maude was a do-it-yourself kind of woman, and she was quite skilled, too. All the women in this town were capable.

Danielle had stayed in Wilde longer than any other place since she turned thirteen years old. Was it too long? The town wasn’t on any major highway. It was nestled in the mountains. The best hiding place she’d ever found. Can I stay? The sheriff knew about her past now. The last time any of her family had come close to finding her had been five years ago in Kansas City. Maybe they’d finally given up the search.

Was she being foolish to consider staying? Maybe, but she couldn’t help it. Once the cartel issue was cleared up, and she prayed Alex was right that it would soon, everything would go back to normal.

She opened the paper, imagining how wonderful it would be to finally call a place home. Even the name of the local newspaper brought a smile to her face. Wonders of Wilde, or as most called it, WOW. She glanced at the headline and her jaw dropped.

“Two Homeless Men Wait Tables At Norma’s Diner for Food.”

As she continued to read, she thought about the Rolexes Lance and Chuck had put in their pockets yesterday when they’d helped wait tables at the diner. “A bake sale? Oh my God.”

She grabbed her cell to call Carlotta. This needed to be cleared up quickly. No answer. She jumped to her feet and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

So much for my leisurely morning.

She had to get to the diner and set the record straight. Lance and Chuck weren’t homeless.

I know they are rich.