“I believe this little beauty has learned her lesson.” Lance grinned wickedly. “It’s time to show her that we forgive her for her evil deeds.”

Chuck kissed her cheek. “Let’s untie her and place her on the blanket so we can get a better look at her gorgeous body.”

As they laid her on the blanket, she wanted them to look, but she didn’t understand exactly why.

Lance touched her breasts. “These are so beautiful. God, you are a knockout, Danielle.”

He remembers my name. The more he caressed her, the more her desires increased.

“She’s perfect.” Chuck put his lips on her belly and began to kiss her, moving his mouth lower and lower.

Her head was spinning. Why was her body reacting like this? It was as if it had a mind of its own. A sea of sensations washed over her that she couldn’t quite understand, but she loved the feelings their touches of forgiveness were inciting in her.

Moisture pooled between her thighs. A dizzy heat spread through her, and her need for more grew and grew. More of what? She didn’t know. So much pressure was building inside her that she thought she might actually explode.

Lance kissed her. “What’s a virgin doing in the middle of the savanna?”

He knows I’ve never made love. “Please don’t stop. Please.”

“We won’t.” His confidence was intoxicating.

Chuck leaned forward, the heat from his body overwhelming her. “We want to show you how much you mean to us.”

“But we only just met,” she panted.

She could feel his hot breath on her pussy. “Doesn’t matter, sweetheart. We will never let you go. You ate our food and drank our wine. You are ours now. That’s the law.”

“I am yours.” She felt her heart surrendering to them.

Their hands and lips skated over her body, raising her desires even more than before. She fisted the blanket. “Please. I’ve never felt this before. Please. Take me.”

“We will. All of you,” Lance said.

The elephants trumpeted in the background, and the announcer’s voice was heard. “This program was brought to you by the O’Leary Global Foundation and by the donations of generous people like you.”

“What’s that?” Chuck’s confusion was evident on his face.

Lance’s body began to fade. “Who is that?”

“It’s just the television,” she told them. “Please, don’t stop.”

“A television in Africa?” Chuck asked before vanishing.

She reached for Lance, but he, too, disappeared.

“No.” She opened her eyes, wishing the dream hadn’t ended.

Her pussy was soaked, but she was back in her bed in Nevada. Her body continued to buzz.

Unlike in the dream, Danielle knew what she needed. But the two sexy beasts weren’t here.

She opened her nightstand drawer and settled for second best. Mr. Wonderful.

Hopefully her vibrator would take her back to Africa and back to Lance and Chuck.

* * * *

Chuck rolled out of bed. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was 8:10 in the morning. He hadn’t gotten up this early in years. Too many parties. Ever since he and Lance had sold the business, their lives had been one long never-ending party. But yesterday at the diner with Danielle had been the most fun he’d had in years. He’d dreamed about her. God, he hadn’t been able to get her out of his head ever since she’d spilled the tea on him and Lance.