“Child, I’m like a priest. Anyding da cards show me is sacred. I vill not talk. You understand? You are safe vith me.”

That made her feel a little better.

“Shall I continue? Vould you like to see vhat da present is like…and your future?”

She nodded. Her life had been nothing but running for so very long. Carlotta had proven that she was real, that her cards were real. Could the days ahead be different? Could her demons from the past be dead?

“Dis is da Six of Swords. You have left an untenable situation and are charting a new course. Da passage from darkness to light can be difficult. You belong in Vilde. You must trust in yourself, Danielle.”

“The road has already been long and hard.”

Her friend sighed. “Yes. I sense dat it has.”

Very long and very hard.

“Dis is the near future. Da Lovers.” Carlotta closed her eyes. “Love is a mystery. Full of its own challenges.”

“It’s not for me. I don’t have time for love.”

The sweet fortune-teller’s eyes opened and she smiled. “Da spirits dink differently. Your aura changed whenever Lance and Chuck vere near you.” She tapped the Lover’s card. “Dhey are da reason dis card is here.”

“I’m not going out with them. That’s final.”

“Don’t judge dhem so harshly, child. It’s clear dhey lack much, but dheir hearts are pure.”

“Speaking of hearts…” Danielle wanted to get the conversation off of the two men she couldn’t stop thinking about. “This card in my far future looks scary. A heart with three swords piercing it. When will it happen?”

“Da distant future can mean next week or next year or ten years from now, but I sense what da Three of Swords is signifying is closer dan you dink.”

“What does it mean?” A cold chill overtook her and she began to tremble.

“Da past you’ve been running from, Danielle, is about to catch up vith you.”

Shocked by Carlotta’s reading, she stood. “Oh my God.”

The woman grabbed her hands and squeezed. “You are not alone in Vilde, my dear. I vill support you, and dhere are many others ready to do da same. You are one of us now. You vill be safe vith us. Da spirits say so.”

She wanted to believe that. With all her heart, she wanted to. But she’d been alone for so long that she just couldn’t.

“Don’t forget.” Carlotta held up the Lover’s card. “Lance and Chuck are here for a reason. Dhey are here for you. Perhaps da universe brought dhem here not only to heal your heart, but to protect you also.”

“Thank you, Carlotta. I really hope you’re right.”

“The cards never lie, Danielle. You’ll see.”

Chapter Four

No matter how hard she tried, Danielle couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Her mind was racing like mad. Carlotta’s reading had unnerved her, and she couldn’t get the images of Lance and Chuck out of her head.

She needed to sleep since she had to report to the diner in the morning for her shift.

Turning on the television to a documentary about elephants, she hoped it would lull her just enough to forget the two rich bad boys, a

llowing her some shut-eye.

The announcer’s delivery was soft and soothing. The background music was melodic and pleasing.

“The elephant is the largest mammal living outside the oceans. In Africa, their herds’ ranges extend over many countries and thousands of miles.”