“Yes, ma’am.”

Danielle felt a shiver go up and down her spine. The sheriff already knew her secret. She didn’t want anyone else to find out about her past, not even Carlotta.

The fortune-teller led her past Owen and to the opening that had beads blocking the view beyond.

The room they walked into was draped in fabrics of every color. In the center was a small table covered in a blue tablecloth. On its surface was a crystal ball. Three chairs were around the table, two metal ones and a large black leather wingback that was clearly meant for Carlotta.

“Sit, child.” Carlotta reached under the table. She pulled out a white turban which had a large crystal stone centered on it and a deck of tarot cards. “Ve von’t be needing dis today.” She removed the crystal ball. “It vouldn’t vork vell since you are an unbeliever.”

“I never said that.”

“So you do believe?”

She grinned. “I believe in you, Carlotta. Always will.”

The sweet lady smiled, making her look even prettier. “And I believe in you, Danielle. More dan you do in yourself. I believe you can have happiness in dis life.”

She wished she could believe that, too. “How does this work?”

“Let’s see vhat da spirits tell us.” Carlotta shuffled the cards several times. She patted the deck and created three piles on the table. “Don’t touch. Just point to da vone dat you are most drawn to, my dear.”

“I like them all.”

Carlotta shook her finger. “Don’t try to stall, Danielle. This von’t hurt. I promise.”

She wasn’t so sure. Please don’t let her see into my past. “This one.” She pointed at the middle pile.

Carlotta picked up the pile, moving the others to the side. “I shall use the five-card spread for you. Da first is your distant past. Da second is your near past. Da one in da middle is the present. Da fourth is your near future. Da final card is your distant future. Simple as dat.” She turned over five cards in a row on the table.

Danielle looked at the first card, which was of a stately woman wearing a crown of twelve stars. “You said this one is of my distant past, right?” She held her breath.

“Dat is correct.” Carlotta bent over the cards. “This is da Empress in the reversed position.” The fortune-teller’s eyes lifted from the table and locked in on her. “You had a very tragic childhood. Your mother vasn’t kind to you, vas she?”

Oh, God. Please don’t let her see anything more. “Doesn’t everyone have dysfunction in their families?”

“I suppose so, but yours vas filled with selfishness, pain, jealousy, and rage. Your father died when you were very young.”

“I miss my real father,” she confessed, starting to really believe in Carlotta’s gift. “I was only five when he died.”

“Your mother vas blinded and confused.”

That’s putting it mildly.

Carlotta grabbed her hand. “Da card tells me dat she’s not been in your life in a very long time.”

Danielle’s heart was pounding hard in her chest. “I should get back to the diner, Carlotta.”

“Not before ve finish your reading, child.” Carlotta released her hand. “Dis is da Five of Staffs, my dear, though some call them vands. It is in da position of your near past. You’ve been struggling, hoping to reach some destination, but never arriving. You’ve been in Vilde for two years now, yes?”

“Yes,” she whispered, in awe of how clearly Carlotta was seeing into her past.

“How long at da last place before dis one?”

She didn’t answer, couldn’t answer.

“Ah. A short time. And I can see dat da places you resided in are only stopping points. Vilde has been da longest you’ve stayed anywhere since running avay from your family.”

“I’m sorry, Carlotta. I don’t want to do this any more.”