Carlotta nodded. “Lance, your friend Charles is someone you should listen to.”

“Please call me Chuck, ma’am.”

That shocked him.

“Excellent. I’ll see you both at ten. I vill bring my cards. I vant to read you both. Enjoy your meal.” Carlotta went back into the kitchen where Danielle was.

Lance silently cursed the swinging door that separated him from the gorgeous woman who had spilled tea on his shirt. “What was that all about? You want us to take jobs here at Norma’s. We’re billionaires, Chuck.”

“Carlotta doesn’t know that. Besides, I think Danielle won’t be able to avoid us if we end up working with her at the diner.”

There was the Chuck he knew in college. “Ah. You’re a devious bastard, aren’t you?”

“Takes one to know one, Lance.”

* * * *

Danielle heard the bell on the entrance door jingle. She peeked through the food window to the dining room and saw Lance and Chuck leaving. She felt her shoulders relax.

“Are dey gone?” Carlotta asked.

“They are, thank God. Now I can get some work done before the diner crowd arrives.”

“Not just yet, young lady. Dere’s something ve’re going to do.”

“What’s that?”

“Come vith me,” Carlotta headed to the back door. “Lil’ Chuck, you keep an eye on da place for me.”

“Is that going to be my name from now on? Lil’ Chuck?” the cook asked, smiling. “I kinda like it. I also like Lance and Big Chuck.”

“So do I,” Carlotta said. “Come on, Danielle.”

There was no sense in arguing with her boss. Once she made up her mind about something, there was no stopping her until it was done.

They got in her car. “Where are you taking me?”

Carlotta smiled. “I’ve been vanting to read you for a very long time. No time like da present.”

“Alright. Lead the way, Madam.” Danielle cared for the self-proclaimed psychic.

Carlotta had the most giving heart she’d ever known. Danielle had been avoiding sitting down in front of the sweet woman and getting her fortune told since arriving in Wilde. Although she didn’t believe in it, she was still afraid Carlotta might find out something about her past. Maybe if I hold my breath or think about kittens, she won’t be able to get inside my head with her mumbo jumbo.

Maybe I believe a little. Danielle grinned.


other business was just outside of town on the highway. Her boss parked the car. They walked into Carlotta’s Liquor Store and Tarot Card Reading Room. Danielle had never been inside the space.

As they went in, the first thing she heard was trancelike music, which made her smile. So like Carlotta. Four statues of Buddha were in the corners of the room. She could smell sweet incense burning. Other than that, it looked like most package stores she’d seen. Several shelves of liquor and wine lined the walls. In the center were racks of wine from all over the world. The art on the wall did remind her of what gypsies might have in their wagons.

“Hey, boss.” The young man behind the counter seemed surprised to see Carlotta. “I didn’t expect you so early.”

“I have a reading, Owen.”

“Danielle, you’re finally giving in. Good for you. You won’t be disappointed. Carlotta has real talent.”

“You know da drill. Do not disturb us until ve are done.”