She reached across the table and grabbed Emma’s hand. “You can’t be, Em.”

“The only reason Lily and Mom came back to Wilde was because of me. Mom and I had a big fight.”

“Em, families fight. It’s normal. Don’t do this to yourself.”

“But you don’t understand. It was about Lily. I tried to tell Mom my suspicions that Lily had stopped taking her medications just like Sam had before. Did you know they suffered with schizophrenia?”

“I had no idea until it came out in the investigation,” she admitted.

“When Sam and Lily were on their meds, no one would ever know they had mental issues. Our father had it, too.” Emma closed her eyes. “Mom wouldn’t listen to me. After everything that happened with Sam, she just couldn’t, I guess. I should’ve confronted Lily myself when I noticed how erratic she was acting. I should’ve insisted she take her meds. I should’ve gotten Lily back to her doctor. I should’ve—”

“Em. Em, you can’t beat yourself up about this,” Shelby said, even though she knew it would take Emma a long time to heal. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”

“Thanks, Shelby.” Emma brought a tissue up to her eyes. “That means so much to me. Mom loved you like a daughter.”

* * * *

Justin drank his coffee, continuing to glance at Shelby, who was sitting with Norma’s daughter Emma in one of the booths by the big window of the diner. Alex and Brandon were doing the same. How all their lives had changed because of Shelby.

He and his brothers had never been tighter. They were going to share the woman they all loved. Wilde was home now.

Deuce, Carlotta’s husband and also a multi-buckle champion like he was, had agreed to start a rodeo camp with him. He couldn’t wait to get the first batch of little cowboys to show up.

Kids? God, he wanted them. A whole bunch of them.

Seth Strong and Austin Wilde came up to their table.

“Tough day for Wilde,” Brandon said.

“Very tough day,” Seth agreed. “Mind if we join you?”

“Sit.” Alex pointed to two of the empty chairs at their round table.

Justin looked over at the other Strong brothers, who were sitting with Charly. Then he turned his attention to Austin’s family, his four brothers and their wife, Jessie. She was holding their new baby girl Carol. Not Norman Rockwell, too many husbands, but not a bad picture.

Justin had never dreamed the Wilde life would be his, but he was thrilled it was going to be.

“I’m glad you’re here, Seth,” Alex said. “I want to talk to you about the poly life and how it works for you and your brothers.”

Austin nodded. “That’s why we’re here.”

“Let me tell them my news first, cousin,” Seth said firmly.

“The floor is yours,” Austin said with a grin.

“Charly is pregnant,” Seth blurted out.

“You went to another doctor?” Alex winked.

“She took one of those at-home tests,” Seth answered. “My brothers and I want to get her in to see you as soon as possible.”

“Tomorrow morning. Ten.” Alex held out his hand. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” he said, smiling.

Brandon shook his hand, too. “Seth, I’m so happy for you.”

Justin nodded, dreaming of the day that he and his brothers would have the same great news to share. He could imagine Shelby holding their baby.