Justin ran up to him. “You were out of bounds, bro. Gotta walk that one back.”

“No way,” Brandon argued. “You’re just saying that because you’re on the other team. I stayed on this side of the sidewalk the whole time.”

Alex joined them. He was the current referee, a position that almost every man had held today at one time or another. “The touchdown was good.”

“Are you three going to argue all day or are you going to play?” Seth Strong asked loudly from the center of her yard, or as they were calling it, the fifty-yard line.

“Chill out, Strong,” Alex said, and then turned to her. “Shelby, how’s baby Carol?”

“She’s wonderful.”

“If she needs changing, I’m your man.” Justin smiled.

Brandon smirked. “Like you’ve ever changed a diaper in your life.”

“None of us have, but I’m willing to get some practice in for when we have our own bundle of joy one day.”

“Damn, I hadn’t thought of that,” Alex said. “Shelby, when Carol is ready for Uncle Alex to change her, just let me know.”

“I’ll be the one changing her, not you two fools.” Brandon sent her a wink. “Honey, tell them who your favorite is. You would trust me with diaper duty, right?”

“You’ve lost your mind.” Justin laughed. “Everyone knows I’m her favorite.”

“No way.” Alex shook his head. “I’m her number one guy.”

“You’re all my favorites. Now, get out of here and go play.”

As her three men walked back to the other players on the field, they continued their argument of who was going to be the best diaper changer.

Her three guys were going to make amazing fathers.

She looked down at little Carol, who had fallen asleep in her arms.

Jessie came out to the porch. “You ready for me to take her off your hands?”

Shelby shook her head. “I’m enjoying holding her, Jess. Do you mind?”

“No,” the new mother said, sitting down in the same chair her own mother had been in earlier. “Something is up with you, Shel. I can see it in your eyes.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Jessie leaned forward and stared hard at her, making her giggle. “Oh my God, you’re pregnant, too. Just like Charly.”

“I don’t know that yet. I haven’t taken the test.”

“Key word is ‘yet.’ How late are you?”

Why could Jessie always see right

through her so easily? “Only a day. You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I think I am.”

“You are. I can see it all over you. You’re glowing.”

“When did you know?”

“Right away,” Jessie said. “I’m not sure if that happens to all women, but it did for me. And now it has for you, too.”

“Stop it. You just want Carol to have playmates.”