“Go long,” Justin yelled to Alex. They were playing football with her two brothers, Adam and Bane, in the front yard. Her twin brothers were on a two-week leave from their tours in the military in Africa. Another twelve months was all they had left to serve. They both told her they were coming back to Wilde once they were done.

Per usual, Carolyn, her sister, was nowhere to be found. She didn’t care for family gatherings.

Shelby needed to make a point to go see her sister. She wanted Carolyn to find happiness, too.

Her mom and Connie came out of her house.

“Charly just called,” Connie said. “She’s running late, but will be here shortly with all her guys.”

“No rush,” Shelby said. “Look at them.” She pointed to the men around the fire. “They’re in no hurry.”

Connie nodded. “Men think women talk too much. What about them? War stories, football stories, old glory days. I’ve never known any woman who can hold a candle to my guy. Wayne’s gift of gab is record breaking. I’ll see if I can light a fire under them,” she said, leaving the porch.

Shelby smiled. “Mom, take a load off. You’ve knocked yourself out today. I can’t believe you’re not suffering from jet lag.”

Her mother sat down beside her. “Not really.”

“Dad and Pop don’t have any signs of it either. You three never cease to amaze me.”

“How’s my sweet daughter today?”

“I’m great, Mom. I’m so glad you are here.”

“Me, too, baby. Me, too.” Her mom reached for her hand and squeezed. “I wish we had never left you alone, sweetheart. If your guys hadn’t been there…to…” A tear streamed down her mother’s cheek. She’d taken the news about what had happened with Lily hard. “Thank God they were there, Shelby. I told your dads we need to sell our place in Australia and move back to Wilde. We even called a realtor.”

She shook her head. “Mom, I’m fine. Look at me. I’ve never been better. Besides, Australia was always your dream.”

“Yes, it was. We’ve done it and loved it, too.” Her mother smiled. “But we have other dreams, sweetheart.”



She smiled. “Mom, you’re too much.”

Her mom grinned and stuck out her tongue. “You don’t think I’d make a terrific nana?”

“You’ll make a wonderful grandmother,” she said as Jessie and her hubbies drove up in two trucks. It took at least that many, now that their baby was in the picture and they needed a car seat. “Maybe we can test out your nana skills today with little Carol.”

“Now you’re talking, Shelby.”

Twenty minutes later, all the guests had arrived, which looked to be half of Wilde at least.

Charly, Jessie, and Mackenzie were in the kitchen with her mom swapping tales and tips. All the men, including her dads, were in the yard in the latest hot game of touch football.

Alone on the porch, Shelby held Jessie’s baby in her arms. “Can I trust you to keep a secret, Carol?”

The tiny girl’s blue eyes were wide.

“I think I can. I’m only a day late on my period, but I’m never late. Tonight I’m going to take a pregnancy test. Fingers crossed, Carol. You might have a little friend to play with.”

Jessie’s baby cooed her excitement.

“The truth is I want to see the two pink lines that say I’m going to have my own baby.” She kissed Carol on the forehead.

“Sweetheart,” Brandon said, out of breath from the pass return he’d ran back all the way to the trash cans, which were doubling as the goal line in today’s fierce contest. “You okay? Do you need anything?”

“Not a thing.”