“I want her for both of us, but if she can’t make that choice—”

“Stop. I know.” He did know. For the first time in their lives, Wade would choose something apart from him—a life with Mackenzie if it came to that. The only explanation for that was love, total and overwhelming. Their mother had accused them of being able to read each other’s mind, which was somewhat true, though not in the psychic sense. The way they approached life was identical, even more than their looks. Wade would never surrender Mackenzie, and neither would he. He closed his eyes, feeling the impending disaster’s nearness. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. You just find out what happened to her brother.”

“Wyatt, while you’re keeping her away, you could work our previous plan of one-on-one.”

He liked hearing him say that. It meant Wade still hoped for a life like the one they’d grown up in. Their parents had shown them the possibilities of what a family could really be with true love and unselfish sharing, and sharing such an amazing woman as Mackenzie would be more than either of them had ever dreamed possible. But another part of him, a new part, wanted her all to himself. The atrocious thought filled him with concern and disgust. He needed to keep his head clear.

“Just find her brother. I’ll keep her safe.”

“I’m just saying this could be our chance.”

He remembered how they’d been at the breakfast table earlier that day and felt a pang of regret and jealousy well up inside him. “Don’t you mean my chance?”

“Don’t be an asshole, Wyatt. Of course I want us to be a family for her. You and me. That’s what you want too, right?”

“Like our mom and dads.” Yes. That was what he wanted. It had to be.

“Give her your best moves, Wyatt. You never know what might happen. Besides, she needs her mind occupied.”

“That’s for sure.”

Before falling asleep, Mackenzie had asked him every five minutes to check his cell to see if Wade had sent a text.

“I’ll let you know what we find in Vice.”

Wade, Austin, and acting sheriff Wayne Champion, were checking out a car that had been discovered by a hiker at the bottom of a cliff. The hiker couldn’t make out the number on the license, but it wasn’t a Nevada plate. It was a Colorado plate. It might be Trent’s missing car.

Wyatt placed his cell on the coffee table and leaned back in his chair. He took another shameless scan of Mackenzie’s curvy body. God, he’d never seen a woman more beautiful in his life.

When she’d slipped into unconsciousness, he’d imagined getting on top of her. He would’ve been careful not to wake her since she obviously did need the rest, but having her under him, ensnared by the weight of his frame, would be a dream come true. Of course he hadn’t. His concern was for her well-being more than answering the call of his own desires.

Rage boiled inside him at the thought of someone causing her suffering. If her brother had been kidnapped or killed, and it was becoming clear one of the two definitely had occurred, life was going to get really tough for her. If Austin and Wade found Trent alive, a cloud would be lifted, but if they found him dead, her grief would likely shatter her very world.

It wasn’t hard for him to imagine the pain she would suffer if the worst outcome came to pass.

The woman of his brother’s dreams yawned, and her eyes fluttered open as she stirred. Relief rushed through him and all his muscles at attention fell at ease. What was it about Mackenzie, the woman of his own dreams, that got to him on so many levels? His need to care for her, to make her safe…hell, to make her happy, was deeper than anything he’d ever felt before.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Better. I didn’t mean to doze off, though.” She sat up and stretched her arms over her head, making her breasts move and tempting him once again to cover her body with his own. “Any word from Wade?”

“No. Soon, sweetheart. Soon.” As he settled back in the chair, he became aware of his balls growing heavy. His intense lust clawed in his gut, demanding he act. “We have to be patient.”

She stood up. “Don’t tell me that, cowboy. I’ve been patient. More than patient. My brother is missing. Has been for some time.” She shook her head. “I was an idiot for opening up to you and your brother. Damn it, I know better. I should’ve kept this to myself.”

He stood up and pulled her into his chest. “It’s going to be okay, Mackenzie.”

Her body began to shake and tears began to flow down her cheeks. “You’re just saying that. What if…what if I never find Trent? What if he’s…I can’t say it, Wyatt, but what if?”

Wyatt smoothed her hair. “Trust me, Mackenzie. We’ll find him.”

“Please, God, let it be true.”

Wade’s earlier words about her need to have her mind occupied informed Wyatt what he needed to do right now. It wasn’t ideal, not one damn bit, but it was necessary. Better would’ve been to woo her. She was the kind of woman who needed finesse, romance, and a combination of tenderness and strength. More than that, she deserved it.

Not his strong point. He was more of an in-your-face kind of guy, which suited this situation perfectly. She’d had sex with Wade, and by what he’d seen after had enjoyed it very much. Forget subtlety. It was time to drown her in pleasure so she could forget, if only for now. Once done, Wade would certainly contact them with whatever turned up in Vice. Hopefully it would lead to something they all wanted—Mackenzie more than anyone—a living and breathing Trent.

Whoever was responsible for Trent’s situation, whatever it was, Wyatt vowed to hunt him down and kill the motherfucker that had made her agonize so. If it turned out to be Malcom Winters, all the better. He’d been looking for a reason to put a bullet in that man for mont