“It’s just one of my many talents,” Wade said.

Maybe she was diving into the cowboys’ wicked offer because deep down having this fantasy was just too irresistible. The truth was she’d been dreaming about what it would be like to enjoy a ménage with the Masters twins for some time.

“This seems terribly soft and normal from what I’ve read about D/s play.”

“I’m not sure what you read,” Wyatt interjected. “There’s a lot of crap on the Internet. We’ll get you some books from the library at the club. They’re quite good and informative.”

“I’d like that,” she admitted. Since arriving in Wilde, she’d been so intrigued about the lifestyle many in this town observed. The community didn’t judge things that went on in people’s bedrooms—or at the club for that matter. The many shades of sexuality were welcome in this small Nevada town. No recrimination. Pursuing one’s own happiness seemed to mean more here than any of the many places she’d visited around the world.

“Finish the safe word discussion with her, bro, while I get her ready for her bath,” Wade said.

“I can do that myself.” By the shakes of their heads, she knew instantly she’d made a mistake.

Wyatt put his hand on her

shoulders. “We’ll guide you, and all you have to do is let us. Okay?”

She nodded, excitement welling up inside her like a fountain. Wade stood in front of her and pressed his lips on hers. “He’s right. You’re doing great.”

She liked hearing their approval. It made her warm and tingly.

“Let’s get you undressed,” he said, and began methodically removing her clothes.

There were many reasons she was willing to follow these men, these so very sexy men, to whatever pleasure-filled destination they had in store for her, but the real reason, the reason that was deep and rooted in her very being, was she needed them.

As Wade unclasped her bra and Wyatt continued his instructions about safe words, she thought about how her whole life had been one long push and pull, tug and shove, advance and retreat. But after being with Wyatt and Wade, for the first time in her life, she could just be.

They were so kind, so protective, so strong, so attentive, and so very male. It spoke to the part of her that she had difficulty letting out—her feminine side.

Wade stepped back, took a long scan of her, and smiled. “Look at you. God, you are beautiful, Mackenzie.”

She shivered, not from a chill, but from excitement. She covered her breasts with her arms.

“No,” the twin cowboys said in unison.

Even before her mind could react, her arms fell to her side.

“Very good,” Wyatt said. “Any questions about safe words?”

His lesson wasn’t difficult to understand. Whenever she needed to stop them in their tracks, all she had to do was say “red,” to get them to back off “yellow,” to tell them she was good to go “green.” Besides the safe word, she could use her fingers to “tap out” if she couldn’t find her voice.

“No,” she said, adding “…Sir.” Clearly, she had learned at least a few things from her research about BDSM since both of them smiled broadly at that last syllable.

“Time to get you cleaned up for what comes next,” Wade stated in a deeper tone than she’d heard from him before. She liked it very much.

“What comes next?”

“Patience, sub. Patience.” Wyatt moved behind her and pressed his body, still clothed, into her nakedness. His hard cock was pressed against the small of her back through his jeans.

“Are you a cowboy or a devil, Wyatt Masters?” Her jaw dropped, realizing she shouldn’t have said that to him.

He laughed. “Bro, we have a little brattiness we’re going to have to deal with.”

“I think you’re right. It’s going to be quite fun.”

Wyatt’s hands cupped her breast, and she leaned back into him. “I’m both devil and cowboy, sub. You’ll see.” Using his fingers, he pinched her nipples, delivering a sweet sting, sending a shock that reached all the way to her clit. It began to throb in unison with her taut breasts’ tips.

“Fair is fair. Shouldn’t you two be naked, too?” She wanted to see their steely bodies, their ripped abdomens, their mouthwatering muscles again.