His new identity had already been set up for over a year. Money, property, and mountain of copious luxuries would be his to enjoy for the rest of his life.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, he would soar once again. Before he exited Nevada, he had one little item he wanted to accomplish.

He stirred the special ingredient into the dessert he was whipping up. He could hear Trent’s moans in the other room, which was music to his ears. Why hadn’t Green done the smart thing and turned a blind eye to Malcolm’s part of his little landscaping business? The fucker had teamed up with Austin to try to bring him down. They might’ve, too, if he hadn’t been several steps ahead of them. It wasn’t hard. One of Green’s longtime employees was more loyal to Benjamins than to the meddling bastard. The two grand Malcolm had paid the snitch was well worth the money. Lester was inside the storage unit when Trent showed up.

Another of Green’s moans thrilled him. God, he would miss torturing him. They’d been together for three months. He would miss Trent. The guy was close to death. Trent might even be dead once he got back from his last trip to Wilde. If not, he would have to put a bullet in his head, along with his new visitors. As sweet as it was tormenting Trent, he had to travel fast and light. Once on the island he’d chosen to be his home, he would find new playmates. It wouldn’t be hard. The leaders had an extremely healthy respect for rich people, and he would be one of their richest citizens.

What a shock it would be for the acting sheriff to find five bodies here in Sam’s cabin. Right now, it held none. The first throat he’d cut would be the pretty little waitress’s from Norma’s. Turned out he did have time and need for Danielle. She was unconscious but still alive. He’d held a gun to her black and blue face, forcing her to scribble a note for him.

Game on, cowboys, he thought. Game on.

Chapter Twelve

When Wyatt heard Mackenzie start the shower, he turned to his twin. By the look on Wade’s face, they were about to have a heated discussion. He wasn’t looking forward to this talk, not one damn bit.

Wyatt poured them two whiskeys, and then handed Wade a glass. “Something on your mind, bro?”

“You bet it is, and you know what, too.” Wade looked grim.

Wyatt nodded his head. “I suppose I do. But do you think now is the time to talk about it with all that’s going on?”

“What the fuck are you thinking, Wyatt?” Wade yelled. “You want Mackenzie for yourself, is that it?”

I guess he did think it was time. “Tell me you haven’t thought the same thing.” The acid at the back of his throat burned. He gulped down half the liquor in his glass.

“Goddamn it, this is nuts.” Wade swallowed his whiskey in one monstrous swig. “We’re not from the outside, bro. What’s wrong with us?”

“Love. Plain and simple.” They’d never been in love before. It had changed them both.

“How did our parents, specifically our dads, get through this possessive craziness?” Wade’s timbre shook with unspoken worry.

They both were thinking the same thing. Would their love for the same woman rip them apart? Wyatt finished his remaining whiskey and then refilled their glasses.

Wyatt wished it was as easy as his dads had made it look. “I don’t know how. I love her, Wade. I’ve never loved anyone like I do Mackenzie.”

“Me either,” Wade said quietly. “Crazy.”

“Yeah,” Wyatt agreed. “That’s how it feels. Insane. Nuts. Cuckoo.”

“In my entire life, I would’ve never thought a woman would come between us. Ever.” Wade rocked his hand holding the glass back and forth, causing the amber alcohol to spin. He gazed at it as if hoping to find an answer within.

“Me either, bro.”

They sat in silence for a bit, sipping their whiskey.

Suddenly, Mackenzie appeared from the hallway, dripping wet, a towel wrapped around her curvy body. “There are the two men I need. The shampoo bottle is empty. Do you have another?”

Neither of them answered, the weight of her words becoming the beacon of light to show them the way they could share this amazing woman. …the two men I need.

Wyatt turned to his twin. “Did you hear what I heard?”

“Damn right I did.” Wade smiled. “We can do this, bro.”

He held out his hand to Wade. “She needs us, and by God, we’ll be there for her.”

Wade shook his hand and smiled.

All the jealousy vanished in the blink of an eye. Mackenzie was theirs, now and forever. She needed them.