That was news to him. “You mean the ranching interests? I understand his parents have bought some land in Colorado and Texas recently.”

“I know about that, but no. I’m talking about the businesses he owns solely, like The Masters’ Chambers club.”

“He’s got more?” Wade asked, sitting down. He was painfully close to the beauty, again making Wyatt’s gut twist into a jealous knot.

“Austin Wilde has a big interest in a three-state taco chain that is making really big money.”

“God, everything that guy touches turns to gold,” Wade said.

“I wouldn’t call Austin’s methods ‘touches.’ He’s more of a crusher,” Wyatt added.

“I agree. He’s ruthless,” Mackenzie said and then took another sip of java. “Wyatt, the breakfast was amazing. Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure.” He imagined what she would look like naked and under him. His balls grew heavy at the thought. “Did your brother have any connection to that company?”

“Not that I could find. In fact, I can’t find any connection between these two men other than that napkin.”

“And you still think that Austin, if not involved, knows something about your brother’s disappearance?”

“I do. My gut tells me he does, and it has never failed me before.” Her voice cracked just a bit. She was clearly carrying a giant weight.

Even though it appeared that he and Wade might have this gorgeous woman coming between them for the moment, he couldn’t imagine how he would feel if anything ever happened to his brother like it had apparently happened to hers.

“Maybe your instincts are right about Austin, Mackenzie.” He didn’t believe so, but it wasn’t the right time to tell her. Not yet. He thought about reaching for her hand again, but with his twin’s current bear hold on her, he decided against it.

Besides, it was time for a new plan. They needed to keep her safe and get to the bottom of all of this. “I have an idea about getting more dirt on your prime suspect.”

That idea would get Wade out of the picture for a bit and allow him his time alone with Mackenzie. Exactly what he wanted to happen. So much for him and Wade remaining the town’s resident playboys. The world was upside down and sideways, and had been since she had come into their lives.

* * * *

Malcolm Winters read the text on his cell, sending a big ball of horror into his gut. This had nothing to do with his day job at the bank.

The number was new, clearly sent from a burner phone.

No doubt about it, his skimming off the top of the money laundering racket must’ve been discovered by his most important and dangerous business partners.


The message’s tone, though cryptic, held a level of threat that wasn’t lost on Malcolm.

Meet Lester in Vice tomorrow at the usual meeting place for a special delivery.

The cabin in Vice was still listed in the county tax rolls under his dead brother’s name. Even before Sam’s death, Malcolm had used the place for most of his moonlighting activities and sometimes for pleasure. With its twenty acres, the meeting place was perfect for exchanges to and from his business partners.

He also knew Lester.

The guy was a thug his bosses had assigned to be his lieutenant at the very beginning of his association with them. Turned out the creep and he had similar tastes, though until meeting his lieutenant, Malcolm had never acted on the urges. Lester was twenty-four carat muscle but little else. Still, the man had introduced him to the pure joy torturing people could bring.

“More coffee, Mr. Winters?” the girl with the pot of java in hand asked him.

His heart felt like it might explode in his chest, but keeping up appearances came easy for him. Acting was all part of being in the trafficking business. It was one of the reasons he’d survived as an employee of drug lords for so long. “Sure.”

After Lester had brought a certain snoopy troublemaker to him, Malcolm had left his lieutenant in Denver to run that little front for the past few months. Now Lester was coming to Wilde and not by Malcolm’s directive. The special delivery could mean only one thing. His lieutenant had been ordered to kill him.

He wasn’t about to roll over and let the asshole put a bullet in his head.

He tucked his phone into his inner suit pocket, but the words he’d just read remained ever present in the forefront of his thoughts. “Are you working the whole café by yourself, Danielle?”