
“It had Austin Wilde’s name and phone number written on one side. On the other side were some numbers and a letter I haven’t been able to decipher yet.”

Wade rubbed his chin. “So that was what brought you to Wilde.”

“It was. Austin is involved in a lot of shady things, Wade.”

“So you think he has something to do with Trent’s disappearance?”

“Maybe.” She shook her head.

“Your brother and Austin might’ve known each other.”

“There’s no record of them ever meeting that I can find, but I did find calls on Trent’s cell bill that were made to the offices of the Wilde Silver Mine here in town.”

“Maybe they were planning to meet with each other.”

She nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

“I wonder if they did meet after any of those calls.”

“I was the last person on record to have talked to him. The next day, he was gone. I haven’t been able to prove it yet, but I think Austin is the silent partner my brother took on last year.”

“Was your brother having money troubles?”

“He never told me he was, but the recession was tough on his business. It has to be the reason he sold interest in his company. Someone powerful and smart created a maze of paperwork and several holding companies to camouflage what they’re really up to and to keep their identity secret. The asshole doesn’t know how relentless I can be. I won’t stop until I uncover who loaned Trent the money if I have to research a million online records.”

“I know Austin can bend rules when he has to.”

“You can say that again. He knows something, I’m sure of it. Whoever is holding the reins on my brother’s business was quick to fire and replace all the employees loyal to Trent with their own people within days of his disappearance. Can you help me or not?” She stood. “If you can’t, then I’m asking you to keep this to yourself. Can you do that for me?”

Wade stood up and pulled her into his body. “I can help. I will help. I didn’t mean to sound cold, Mackenzie. I just wanted to get the whole picture. Sounds like you and Trent are close. Close like Wyatt and me.”

Her knees buckled. She would have hit the floor if he hadn’t caught her.

“Where the hell is my brother?” The question wasn’t really to him or to anyone, in truth. It came from the very dark and hopeless place that had been born the moment she’d realized Trent was gone and in danger. Her total despair took hold of her, and she began pounding on Wade’s chest. It wasn’t that she was angry with him. It was that she needed somewhere to let out the anxiety and dread she’d been holding in. His muscled frame was there to take the beating.

He grabbed her wrists. “Shh. It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m here. You’re not alone.”

Like a dam bursting, a stream of salty tears spilled over her eyelids and down her cheek. The whole world became sob after sob. God, she hated crying. Especially when she did it in front of people. It wasn’t like her. Tears didn’t come easy. But she’d never faced anything as difficult, as heart wrenching, as Trent’s disappearance. Her brother had to be alive. He just had to.

* * * *

Wade lifted Mackenzie up into his arms and carried her to his bedroom.

“Where are you taking me?” she choked out.

“Quiet. Trust me, sweetheart. You need this more than you even know. You’ve been under too much stress and worry. I want you to have a moment of reprieve from it. I can ease your mind for a little bit by giving you pleasure beyond your ability to imagine.” He watched her gorgeous lips part to say something, but he placed his index finger on them. “Shh. I’ll help you find your brother, Mackenzie, but you must be clearheaded. You’re not. Don’t deny it. I can see it all over your face. We’ll find your brother—Wyatt and me. I promise.”

He hated using Mackenzie’s pain to seduce her, but he must. Had he ever sunk so low? Not really, though he’d gotten quite close. But wasn’t sex the only way he knew how to communicate with a woman? Always had been. Sex and control were his only weapons with the female psyche.

For the first time in his life, he was torn. Why? What was it about her that made him doubt himself? Everything. So very strong and determined, yet also soft and tender.

This thing with her missing brother was a concern. The guy could be in a whole ton of trouble, and Wade wasn’t about to let Mackenzie get any closer to danger than she already had. Settled that moving her to a submissive state was the right path, he sighed. It was risky. He might even lose her for the long run, but if he didn’t use a firm steel hand with her, she might be harmed, or even dead. That wasn’t about to happen to her. He wouldn’t allow it.

As he lowered her to his bed, more tears fell, ones she’d obviously been holding at bay. She put her head into his pillow, soaking it. A flood of anxiety poured out of her. Her entire body rolled with each uncontrollable sob. His gut tightened. He hated seeing her suffer.

“Mackenzie?” Wade breathed gently. “We’ll help you.”