“If that’s what is expected, then sure.” What would it be like to be on display? The women around the room already stripped and on exhibit seemed to be in utter ecstasy. Every shape and size of female was laid bare for the crowd. No judgment. Only sighs and applause. What would that feel like?

“I expect it, so you’ll comply. Say ‘Yes, Sir.’”

“You sure I look okay for this club? I seem out of place compared to the other women here.”

His piercing stare silenced her. It seemed like a full minute went by. “Gorgeous.”

Heat spread through her body like trembling lava, making it all the way down to her pussy. She squeezed her legs together tight, trying to tamp down the growing desire there. She knew resistance would not be possible if he asked her to strip, right here, right now.

“The scene is about to start.” He touched her thigh. “Ready?”

She tried to chuckle, but it came out more like a choke.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’ sweetheart.”

His use of the word “sweetheart” didn’t offend her, though they’d only kissed. It wasn’t like they were in any kind of relationship, but something about him, his strength, was seductive, as was his directness. He and his brother had made it very clear from the first day she’d arrived that they were bent on pursuing her. It was flattering, and it was also unnerving. Never had any man kept her so off-balance, and now there were two.

God, what’s wrong with me? I need to be looking for any clues I can use to find Trent.

Trying to rein in her wandering mind, she inhaled deeply and got a whiff of Wade’s scent of cool metal and the spray of the ocean, which only made her even more jittery and turned on.

Wade placed his hand on the back of her neck, giving her a little massage, though she wondered if it was more to control where she looked. His intensity of will only made her tingles spread.

A small crowd gathered around them, taking seats on the second and third rows. She and Wade were the sole people on the front row, which made her even more anxious.

“How long before the show starts?” she asked, noticing the tiny tremble in her voice.

“Soon, doll. What do you think of the place so far?”

Was that a trick question? Was he seeing how adventurous she might be? “Interesting,” she answered, but didn’t want that line of discussion to continue, unsure what she might reveal. “What’s the cage behind us for?” She’d noticed it in the middle of the large room. It was empty but looked quite formidable.

“It’s for rule breakers.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t.” His grin pleased her very much. “Members, in particular the Doms, agree to certain rules. It’s very important that we do. Respect is the name of the game. The cage is for those who break the rules, well, the lesser ones at least. It’s a reminder of what’s expected from all of us, especially for the Doms in training.”

“Who enforces the rules, Wade?”

His fingers tightened on the back of her neck for a moment. “What did you call me?”

“Sorry. I mean, Sir.”

Wade relaxed his fingers on her neck. “That’s perfect, sweetheart. Very good,” he whispered.

Pride swelled up in her chest.

“Angels,” he continued. “The guys in white. You’ve seen them, right?”

She nodded. They were giants in her eyes. They seemed to be everywhere. If she hadn’t been with Wade, it would’ve made her feel safe to have such men around. “You said lesser infractions will send a Dom to the cage. What happens with bigger ones?”

“Depends. Big ones will get you suspended from the club for a period of time.” Wade paused. His tone deepened. “The most heinous gets you thrown out for good.”

“That happens?”

“I know of only one since I’ve been coming. To become a member requires quite a bit of training. Not everyone makes the cut.”

She was about to ask him to give her examples of the kind of rules that got someone kicked out for good when the lights dimmed in the area, and the music—a tribal drumbeat with another instrument she didn’t recognize—came up slightly.