She smiled. “Miguel and Roberto are quite protective. They seem to think of everything.”

“That sounds promising, Cami. I can hear something in your voice that tells me they are your guys now, right?”

“Let’s just say…yes.” She laughed. “I’m in love, Izzy. Really in love.”

“That’s wonderful news. I’m so happy for you.”

“Just be careful,” Toni said, which didn’t surprise her, given Toni’s history.

“Oh, don’t worry. They wore condoms.”

Toni groaned. “TMI. But I am glad that you are in love and that they love you. Be sure to tell them if they ever treat you wrong, they’ll have to answer to me.”

“I will, but they won’t. How’s my little boy?”

“Peanut is doing great but misses you.”

A beep sounded in her ear. “There’s a call coming in. I need to let you go because this is Roberto’s phone. It might be a business call.”

“Love you, Cami,” Izzy and Toni said together.

“Love you, too. Call you later.” She answered the other call. “Hello?”

No one spoke. All she could hear was heavy breathing.

The hair on the back of her neck stood up. “This is Roberto Sanchez’s phone. Are you there?”

Nothing. Then the call dropped.

* * * *

Rage rolled through Alessandra. She glared at her cell as the voices screeched their discontent.

“Kill her! Kill her!”

Why had Camille answered Roberto’s phone?

Killer laughed. “You already know why.”

She grabbed the letter opener from her briefcase, touching the tip to her finger. The opener doubled beautifully as a dagger, something she could stab that bitch’s throat with.

“Kill her! Kill her!”

She ran out the door, hearing Camille’s voice answering Roberto’s phone again and again, mocking her.

“The cunt has his phone, Alessandra,” Little John said in his sweet, sick tone. “That means she’s in their room.”

“You don’t know that,” she yelled back at him as she got in the elevator at her hotel.

“But I do know, and so do you. We all know it. She fucked them.”

Killer screamed. “They can never be yours as long as she’s alive. Kill her.”

“How do I get into the room?”

“Kill her.” The cackling voice of the witch almost drowned out Killer and Little John. But as she crossed the street to the other hotel, Killer told her to get the key from the front desk. “Your name is on the reservation. Tell them you lost your key.”

She followed his instructions to the letter, and he was right, yet again.