“Hi. It’s me. We got your message about Hank. Is there any more news to report?”

“Yes, I’m afraid. Apparently, he started dealing drugs after losing his job at a grocery store in a little town outside of Lincoln, Nebraska.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

“Me either, Cami. Hank’s not the kind of person that will ever change. Deep down, he’s a psychopath.”

“I know. I was engaged to the son of a bitch. Do you know where he is now?”

“Nope. The grocery store manager had no idea he had a record. Surprise, surprise, Hank lied on his application. A week ago, he came back at closing and beat up the assistant manager. The guy suffered broken bones and was in intensive care for two weeks. Hank’s former parole officer had no idea. The PI that we hired is a former Navy Seal. He assures us he can find Hank, and when he does, he’s turning him over to the authorities. The bastard is going back to the pen, Cami, and this time he won’t see the light of day for a very long time.”

“Have you figured out if he’s the one who has been calling me or not?”

“No, but who else could it be? Once we know for sure, I’ll call you back. Can I reach you at this number?”

“Yes. Me, Miguel, or Roberto. One of us will answer.” She took a sip of wine, glad to be in Madrid with her two wonderful guys and not back in Dallas alone in her house. “Thank you and your husbands for all of this.”

“Cami, we’re sisters.”

“Have you talked with Toni?”

Izzy laughed. “Peanut is fine. Toni is having a blast with him, and she said you might not get him back when you return.”

She grinned. “Would you give her this number in case she needs to talk with me about him?”

“Of course, sweetheart. Now, tell me all about your trip and what you’ve seen so far in Madrid.”

“We only landed a couple hours ago.” As she recounted all that had happened, Miguel and Roberto put their things away in the closet and in the drawers of the dresser.

“So it sounds like Alessandra has the hots for your guys.”

In a low tone, so that Miguel and Roberto could not hear, she said, “They’re not my guys yet.”

“Yet? I like the sound of that, Cami. So I will be looking forward to when they are your guys.”

“I actually will be, too. They’ve been wonderful. More than wonderful, actually. They even keep asking me how I’m feeling. What man does that?”

“Your men and mine.” Izzy giggled. “Honey, don’t worry about Hank. Once we have any new news to share, I will call you. I promise. Just enjoy yourself.”

Miguel came back in with a note written on a piece of paper. “Got our reservation moved to tomorrow. Dinner for the three of us. Okay?”

She nodded. “I am enjoying myself, Izzy. I’m enjoying myself very much.”

Chapter Fifteen

After finishing their meals, Roberto sat beside Cami on the sofa, inhaling her fragrance that reminded him of freshly picked apples with a hint of cinnamon and sugar. Miguel sat on the other side of her, his eyes scanning every one of her curves.

He couldn’t believe how lucky he and Miguel were to be in the presence of such a

dazzling beauty. She was everything he’d ever dreamed of. Straightforward, sincere, and modest. Funny, fair-minded, and loyal.

“That was a wonderful meal.” She took another sip of wine. “But not as wonderful as the food you served me that first day at your restaurant.”

“Chef Jose just took over the hotel restaurant a month ago,” Miguel said. “Give him another month, sweetheart. Jose is young and hardworking. He’ll make a name for himself, no doubt about it. His culinary point of view will come out in the next few months.”

“I’ll need to get back to Dallas and Peanut before that.” Then she smiled in that way that drove him wild. “You’re both very supportive of your fellow chefs. I like that. It’s refreshing. Real estate can be pretty cutthroat.”

“So can the culinary world.” The need to touch her pulsed through his body, so he grabbed her delicate hand. “Just ask Miguel about our first professional job in North Carolina.”