“How can you be sure of that?”

“Because Roberto and I will make sure of it. Listen to me. We’re in Spain. Hank’s a convicted felon. Traveling here is not possible for him.”

“What am I supposed to do?” she asked. “Stay here for the rest of my life?”

“If that makes you feel better, then why not? We’re starting a new restaurant. Our Dallas location practically runs itself. Whatever you need, Cami, we’re here for you.”

Roberto returned and pulled her into his arms. “The man will take the luggage to our suite. Until we know more, you’re staying in our suite with us, mi amor.”

She kissed Roberto and then kissed Miguel. “You can’t imagine how much it means to me to be with the two of you.”

Miguel cupped her chin, knowing he and his brother were falling in love with her more and more. “And you can’t imagine how much it means to us. We won’t let Hank or anyone ever hurt you again, sweetheart. I promise.”

* * * *

Cami walked to the elevators between her two bodyguards, the men who had captured her heart. The message from home had shaken her, but Miguel and Roberto had instantly worked to protect her and make her feel safe.

“Permítame que le llevará a su piso, señores?” the man working the elevator asked them in Spanish.

“Piso décimo, por favor,” Roberto answered.

The man nodded and punched the button for the tenth floor.

When the elevator doors opened, Miguel and Roberto escorted her to the suite, one on each side of her, which was difficult since the hall wasn’t as wide as those in US hotels.

I do feel safe with them. But she still wanted to know if Hank was the one responsible for the prank calls.

Miguel opened the door and they entered the suite. When he shut and locked it, she felt like she could breathe a little easier. There was a sitting room with a sofa, chairs, and, to the side, a desk and chair with a lamp. Two doors led to two separate bedrooms with full baths.

“This is a very nice suite.” She sat down on the sofa that was positioned perfectly where the hotel’s guests could take in an incredible view of the city.

“Would you like me to call room service for some snacks and drinks? Maybe a cheese platter and fruit tray?” Miguel asked. “It is a few hours before our dinner reservation, and I think we all are a little hungry already.”

“I have a better idea, hermano.” Roberto sat down beside her. “How about we go to dinner tomorrow night and stay in tonight?”

She looked into his eyes. How can he know me so well? “I’d like that very much.”

“Perfect.” Miguel read off the menu to them. He wrote down their requests and then called room service.

Roberto poured them drinks from the minibar, scotch for him and Miguel, and a vodka tonic for her.

A knock on the door startled her, and she spilled a little of her drink on the floor. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” Roberto said. “I’ll get a cloth and clean it up. I’m sure it’s just the porter with our luggage.”

Miguel opened the door, proving Roberto was correct.

When the porter left, she brought out her cell from her purse, “Guys, I’d like to call Izzy and see what else they’ve found out about Hank.”

Miguel nodded and handed her another cell phone. “Use this, sweetheart. It’s what Roberto and I use whenever we’re in Spain. I doubt your phone will have service here.”

“Thank you. I hadn’t thought about that.”

“We’ll get you your own phone tomorrow,” Roberto said. “Until then, use that one as much as you like.”

They treat me like a queen.

“Hello.” Izzy’s voice came loud and clear, like she could have been sitting in the other room, not halfway around the world.