She looked over her shoulder at Alessandra. Their eyes locked. Cami smiled. You forget, little girl, I am mature and you’re not. You don’t stand a chance. Let the games begin.

Alessandra smiled back and then buried her nose in her iPad once again.

Miguel and Roberto entered the cabin.

“Guys, come sit with me,” Alessandra said, patting the seats beside her. “I want to go over the itinerary with you.”

“That can wait,” Roberto said. “We have a long flight. Cami, why are you sitting in that seat?” He stood next to her and held out his hand. “Come sit with me and Miguel.”

“I’d love to.” She glanced at Alessandra, who was once again glaring at her. Sending her the sweetest smile she could, Cami unbuckled her belt and moved back a row and across the aisle to the empty row of three seats in front of where Alessandra sat alone.

Cami took the middle seat. Roberto moved passed her to the window seat, bending down and brushing his lips against hers. I bet Alessandra is seething right now.

“Hi, sweetheart.” Miguel handed her a glass of wine and then kissed her. “I thought a little wine might help you relax. You’ve been through so much today.”

“Actually, I feel very good. This trip is exactly what I needed.”

“If you’ll excuse me,” Alessandra said abruptly, moving out of her seat to the aisle. “I have a lot of work I need to get finished before we land.” The woman starred at her and it was obvious what was behind her eyes. Daggers.

She addressed Miguel and Roberto. “I need to run several things by the two of you. This is a business trip, not a vacation. I’ll be in the office.” Alessandra marched to the back of the plane.

“What’s with her?” Miguel asked. “I’ve never seen Alessandra act like that before.”

“Me either.” Roberto shrugged. “Beats me.”

“She may just be tired, but sometimes we women have personal issues we have to deal with.”

“Got it,” Roberto said, though he clearly didn’t get it. “It’s one of those female things. Enough said.”

Don’t they understand that Alessandra is just jealous? She grinned. Probably not.

Leaning back in the seat, she sipped her wine.

Zane Kavanagh came out of the cockpit. “We’re all set. Our normal flight attendant, Anne, wasn’t able to make this trip since it was last minute. Therefore, Maddox and I will have to fill in if you need anything.”

“Not necessary,” Roberto said. “We can help ourselves.”

Miguel nodded. “We really appreciate this, buddy.”

“I do, too, Zane,” she said.

He smiled. “It’s our pleasure. Jay and Clay filled us in on your situation. Don’t worry, Cami. Those Gibb brothers will find out who the bastard is that’s calling you and stop them in their tracks.”

He and Maddox were very nice men. She wished Toni could realize that.

“This will be an eleven-hour flight,” Zane said. “We’ll be landing in Madrid three p.m. local time tomorrow, which is eight a.m. Dallas time. Take-off should be in the next ten minutes. Again, if you need anything, just use the intercom.”

Miguel nodded. “We will. Thanks again.”

“That’s what friends are for.” Zane returned to the cockpit.

“Have you ever been to Spain before, Camille?” Roberto asked.

“No. The only time I’ve traveled out of the country was a convention for realtors in Toronto I went to a few years ago.”

“You’re going to love Madrid.” Roberto brought her hand up to his lips.

Miguel took her empty wineglass and kissed her other hand. “We can’t wait to show you the city.”