Miguel put his arm around her shoulders. “Tell you what, sweetheart, when we get back from Spain, we’ll have him drive us from the airport back to our house.”

“I’d like that.”

When they arrived at the airport, the driver parked next to the private jet.

“Oh my God, Izzy told me about this plane, but I had no idea it was this big.”

“As big as the president’s inside,” Miguel told her. “Jay and Clay have taken us to some away Dallas Cowboys games on it several times.”

“We always have a blast with them and the Kavanaghs whenever we do,” Roberto said. “That plane has a bedroom, dining room, an office, and more.”

She’d only flown on commercial airplanes, so this was very exciting to her. They got out of the vehicle together.

As Miguel, Roberto, and the driver retrieved their luggage out of the trunk, Alessandra glared at her from the top of the stairs. Is she angry I’m tagging along?

Alessandra walked down the stairs to meet them as the guys stowed their luggage in the storage compartment.

“What is she doing here?” Alessandra asked Miguel and Roberto. “I only made reservations for the three of us.”

“Relax,” Miguel said. “I know you like following your lists, and believe me, Roberto and I appreciate it, but this is important.”

“Of course. If you say so.” The woman was still pissed. Alessandra brought out her iPad. “It’s just that when you throw these kinds of last-minute changes at me, it makes my job more difficult.”

That’s why she glared at me. My being here botches up her plans for the trip.

“You’ll figure it out, Alessandra,” Roberto said. “You always do. And Miguel is right. We really appreciate you.”

Cami realized now why Alessandra’s reaction to seeing her get out of the limo had been so negative. “Having had to coordinate projects myself with my real estate business, I understand how difficult last-minute changes can be. I’m truly sorry about this.”

“It’s no problem at all. I’m sure I can get a room booked for you after we land.” Alessandro turned to Miguel and Roberto. “Why don’t Ms. Anderson and I get settled into our seats?”

“That would be great,” Miguel said. “And we’ll get our luggage secured.”

“Excellent. Ms. Anderson, please follow me.”

“Please call me ‘Cami.’”


As they entered the plane, she was impressed by how plush the interior was. Along one side were three single seats next to windows, and across the aisle from two of them were six, three in each row. Miguel and Roberto had been right. It did seem as big as Air Force One.

“This is your seat, Ms. Anderson…I mean Cami.” The woman pointed to the seat that was in the front of the cabin, all alone.

“Thank you so much, Alessandra. Once again, let me apologize for causing this trouble for you.”

“I’m used to cleaning up messes for Miguel and Roberto.”

“Messes?” Was that what the woman thought of her? She took her seat and buckled herself in. “What do you mean?”

“I’m sure you realize you’re not the first woman the Sanchez brothers have brought around who messed up my schedule.” Alessandra sat down in the seat between two others, across the aisle and back two rows from her. “And you won’t be the last.” The woman’s lips twisted into a smirk for a brief moment, and then her attention returned to her iPad.

Were Miguel and Roberto just players, going from one woman to the next? Am I just a conquest to them, someone who would become another notch on their belts? She thought about what had happened in the limo on the way to her house. Was that just sex to them? She’d felt something. More than sex. But had Miguel and Roberto? Oh God, what am I doing here? I am a mess, especially after those phone

calls and the ripped dress. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her crazy thoughts. Izzy knows Miguel and Roberto. She would have never set me up with them on a date if they were playboys.

She glanced over at Alessandra, who was reading something on her iPad. She’s jealous of me, of the attention Miguel and Roberto are showing me. That’s it. She’s into them.

The woman was treating her like a bitch, not because of the wrinkle in her plans, but because of the green-eyed monster inside her. What Alessandra didn’t realize was her actions had poked the devil inside of Cami.