“I don’t normally drink at lunch,” she said with a grin. “So I’ll have whatever they enjoy.”

“I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.” Miguel left them for the wine cellar.

“This is so nice of you.” As Izzy lowered her bag to the floor, the strap caught on the end of her fork, raking her silverware off the table. She shrugged and laughed. “I’m such a klutz. Do you think I should ask Miguel to bring my wine in a sippy cup?”

God, she’s so adorable. Jay reached down and retrieved her silverware from the floor. “No harm done. We’ll just get some more.”

“Are you from Dallas, Izzy?” Clay asked.

She nodded. “I’ve lived here all my life. The farthest away I’ve ever been was Odessa on my honeymoon with the ex.”

“Odessa, Texas?” Clay looked puzzled. “That seems like an odd choice for a honeymoon.”

“For a honeymoon, yes, but the people are very friendly. The asshole insisted we go there because his cousin was the manager of a hotel that we stayed in for free. So much for the cruise the jerk promised me when he proposed. But he did give me a beautiful daughter. She just graduated with her BBA last May and is currently working on her MBA. I would love to introduce you to her. She’s quite beautiful and smart.”

“Just like her mother.” It was clear to him that she was trying to play matchmaker for her daughter, but he and Clay were interested only in Izzy.

She nervously reached for her glass and would have knocked it off the table had he not touched her hand. That brief touch of her delicate fingers ignited a blaze inside him.

“That would’ve been quite the mess. Thank you for saving me, Jay.”

“My pleasure, my lady.” He kissed the back of her hand.

“I’ve said too much. I’m sure you can tell already that I’m not just a klutz. I’m also a motormouth.” She took a sip of water. “Maybe we should talk about the project your uncle has put us in charge of?”

Before they could answer her, Miguel returned holding a bottle of wine.

“This red is from northeastern Spain, a region of my country that prides itself in traditional winemaking.” Miguel removed the cork. “Dense and rich on the palate, with notes of licorice and chocolate, and a hint of blackberry. This will pair perfectly with what Roberto is making you.”

“That’s not our usual, Miguel,” Clay said.

Their friend smiled. “You and Jay will enjoy it, but I didn’t choose it for you. I chose it for Isabella.” Miguel poured a small amount of the wine in Izzy’s glass.

She brought it up to her lips. Jay couldn’t stop wondering how they tasted. “Delicious, Miguel. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Miguel filled her glass. “Gentlemen?”

“Yes, please.” Clay held up his.

“Same here, Sir Sanchez,” Jay teased. “Fill ’er up.”

“I’ll be right back with your appetizers.” Miguel left.

Clay took a sip of his wine and sat the glass back down on the table. “Now where were we, Izzy?”

“I think we should talk about the project. Let’s begin with our skill sets. I believe your uncle knows my background in accounting. The firm always sends a bio. Have you read mine?”

“No, we haven’t.” Jay couldn’t stop looking into her gorgeous green eyes.

“I got my bachelor’s in accounting at UNT and my master’s at SMU, and graduated Magna Cum Laude.” She sighed. “And Tom was correct. I only graduated last May, but there’s a very good reason why. I married young. Eighteen. To the wrong guy, but he did give me my beautiful daughter. After our divorce, I knew I had to make a better life for Gabby and me. It was tough. I was working a full-time job and going to night classes. But I did it. Oh God, I’m doing it again.” Izzy took a sip of wine. “I may be a motormouth, but what I’m trying to say is I feel confident that I am up to this task.”

Jay took her hand, in part to try to reassure her that he knew she was capable—but also because he wanted to steal another touch. “Clay and I know you are more than qualified, Izzy.”

“The way you handled Tom when he tried to take over was brilliant.” Clay grabbed her other hand. “You are the right person to lead this project.”

She looked down at her hands and then back at him and Clay. “I promise to do my best.”

I hope we aren’t coming on too strong. He released her hand and leaned back in his chair. “I know you will.”