Izzy put her arm around her. “I know what will take away your nervousness. Let’s start packing.”

She nodded and led them to her bedroom.

What they discovered made them all gasp.

The dress she’d worn on the date with Miguel and Roberto was ripped to shreds and spread across her bed. “Oh my God, your beautiful dress, Izzy.”

“Forget the dress. I’m just glad you weren’t here.”

She looked at Peanut. “Are you okay, boy?”

“Shh,” Toni said. “We better look around and make sure the asshole who did this is gone.”

“No way, Toni. We’re not heroes.” Izzy brought out her cell. “I’m calling the police. We will get out and wait in my car until they arrive.”

“You’re right,” Toni said. “Let’s go.”

Trembling, Cami walked out of her house with them. Who had broken into her home? And why had they destroyed the black dress? Was it Hank?

The police arrived and found the glass in one of her back door’s panes broken.

After they gave their statements to one of the officers, he asked her to make sure no valuables were missing.

She checked her drawer where she kept her jewelry and money in the bedroom. “It’s all here, officer.”

“Usually, in this kind of case, the perpetrator is someone known by the victim. Ms. Anderson, is there anyone you know who might be angry with you, someone who might want revenge for some reason?”

“There’s one person for sure,” Toni answered for her. “Her son-of-a-bitch ex, Hank Schmidt. We believe he has been calling her and disguising his voice.”

The officer asked more questions about Hank and jotted down the information into his report. “I’ll call this in and see if we can find out Mr. Schmidt’s location.”

“I’m supposed to go to Spain this evening, sir.” She watched as one of the other policemen took photos of the shredded black dress. She knew Hank was capable of so much more destruction than just that. Or was he just trying to scare her?

“Should I cancel my trip?”

“No. I think it is wise that you leave for the time being until we can figure out who did this. Just leave us your contact information in case we need to get ahold of you.”

Izzy handed him her card. “You may also call me, officer, in case you can’t reach her. I’ll be in contact with Cami and can pass on any information you need.”

Another officer entered the bedroom. “It appears the intruder entered from the back but exited out your front door.”

“That explains why it wasn’t locked.” She lifted Peanut back into her arms, wishing he could talk so that he could tell her who had done this.

“While you’re gone, I’m going to get an alarm system set up for you,” Izzy said.

“Thank you so much. I’ve been meaning to do that, but I’ve just been so busy.”

“That Sanchez brothers project has kept you hopping, hasn’t it?” Toni grinned, clearly trying to lighten the mood of the situation.

She laughed, feeling a little better.

Izzy said, “Toni, you and I both know she deserves this trip.”

After the police left, she packed her suitcase quickly. She felt strange in her home, violated on some deep level, knowing an intruder had been here. She was glad she was leaving town. She wasn’t running away, she was going to Spain on a do-over date. She grinned, thinking about Miguel and Roberto. The police and Izzy would get all this sorted out while she was away. If Hank were responsible for this, his ass would end up right back in prison. If someone else?

I’ll deal with all of it, whoever it turns out to be, when I return.

Izzy’s earlier words came back to her. “Cami, they were very understanding and concerned for you when you told them about what happened.”