Hank’s rage still burned blistering hot, and once again, it paralyzed her.

“Please don’t,” she begged him. She prayed for help to whatever angels might be near. “Don’t do this to me. Not again.”

He slapped her. “I’ll do whatever I want to you, cunt.” He unbuckled his belt.

He is going to rape me again. That thought pushed the panic button inside her. She tried to wrestle free of his hold with every ounce of strength she had, but he was too strong. There was no escape.

“You and those two friends of yours think you’re better than me. You’re not. You’re nothing but scum under my boots.”

She closed her eyes, fearing the worst, remembering what he’d done to her so long ago. A twisted snarl appeared on his face. “You’re mine, Cami. You’ll always be mine.”

Her cell buzzed, pulling her out of the nightmare before the rape. Her whole body was trembling. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to shake off the remnants of the dark memory. The smell of bourbon and stale cigarettes remained for a brief moment.

Her cell buzzed again. Hoping it was Izzy or Toni, she answered it without looking at the caller ID.

Chapter Ten

“Izzy? Toni?” Cami’s voice shook with emotion because the nightmare was still so fresh in her mind.

The scary, computerized voice answered, “No, bitch. Don’t play games with me. You know who this is.”

“Leave me alone!” She punched the red button and tossed her cell to the side.

Anxious, she left her bed and rechecked all the locks on her doors and windows. She even looked in her closets and under her bed, just to be certain she was alone.

“I’m really overdoing this. I’m just being paranoid.”

She picked up her cell and brought up her speed dial numbers. The top two contacts were Izzy and Toni. Should I call them? She looked at the time and realized it was three in the morning, much too late to disturb them. She clicked on the “Recent Calls” icon. The last number was once again marked “Unknown.” Not wanting to hear from the prank caller again, she turned off her phone.

“I’m wide-awake now.”

She walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee, recalling her change of heart with Miguel and Roberto. She’d ruined their date, ending it on a very sour note. If she hadn’t seen the driver’s nameplate, they would have come inside. But she had seen it. “Hank” on the gold badge had sent her into a tailspin, which eventually landed her in the nightmare to relive something she desperately wanted to forget.

“It’s for the best that I don’t see Miguel and Roberto again. I like them a little too much.” She opened the container and placed a piece of Pierre’s dessert on a plate. Taking a bite, she enjoyed the sweetness that ignited her taste buds, which caused her to remember Miguel and Roberto’s wonderful kisses.

Why did they have to be so nice? I should have never said yes to going out with them.

Even though she would never be able to see Miguel and Roberto again, she would always remember the one amazing night she’d spent with them.

She took another bite, knowing she would have to burn a ton of calories at the gym. “No more, Cami.” She put the remainder of the dessert in the refrigerator before walking back to her bedroom.

Maybe Izzy and Toni will join me at the gym? She would send a text in the morning to invite them. I really need to talk to them about everything.

She had a pretty good idea how they would react to the news about the date. They would be disappointed it hadn’t turn out the way they wanted, but they would support her decision.

Izzy and Toni always supported her. They’d been her anchors, her rocks. They were her sisters of the heart.

Knowing there wasn’t any chance she would fall asleep now, Cami turned on the television, propped up her pillows, and settled down on her bed with Peanut.

“You’re the only man for me,” she told him, wishing it could be different somehow. But it wasn’t. She was too broken, damaged. The Sanchez brothers were young and handsome and everything she ever dreamed of, but they had their entire lives ahead of them. They deserved better than she had to offer.

Peanut placed his head on her lap.

The show on the screen didn’t hold her attention. All she could think about was Miguel and Roberto’s kisses.

She patted Peanut’s head, knowing the only kisses she would ever get from now on were his.

* * * *