Jay loved the feel of Izzy’s arm against his. God, she is gorgeous.

Her long blonde hair accentuated her green eyes beautifully. The top of her head came to his shoulder, making her appear five-foot-eight—but she did have on six-inch red stilettos. She was petite. Dripping wet she couldn’t be more than 110 pounds. She was a woman comfortable in her own skin. He loved how she’d handled herself with her two co-workers. They were both pricks, but she didn’t let them get to her. She took charge.

Izzy was the total package of what he liked in a woman. She was perfect for him, and he could see that Clay felt the same way about her. He and his twin had shared women before, but no one as beautiful as her.

“My lords, we passeth the wonderful fine dining Burger King.” Her sense of humor kept him smiling, and her voice was like silk to his ears. “What sayeth thou?”

He and Clay laughed.

Clay had texted him while Izzy had been talking with her two co-workers with the plan. Burger King had only been a ruse. They wanted to impress her.

“Sir Jay and I haveth decideth to taketh thee to Dos Hermanos.”

She giggled. “You sound like you have a speech impediment, Sir Clay. But I didn’t think Dos Hermanos was open for lunch, only dinner.”

“That’s correct, but we know the owners, Izzy.” Jay took her hand and lightly squeezed it. “They’re opening up just for us.”

“Wow. That is remarkable, guys.”

When they got to the entrance of the restaurant, he pulled on the handle of the door. It was locked. Damn. So much for impressing her.

Clay was already on his cell, likely trying to reach Miguel or Roberto.

“There’s always Burger King,” Izzy said with a smile. “Great burgers.”

Suddenly, Miguel came rushing up beside them with keys in hand. “Sorry, fellas. I got caught in traffic. Roberto is already in the kitchen preparing your meal. And who is this lovely lady?”

Izzy held out her hand. “I’m Isabella Clemens.”

“Miguel Sanchez, Miss Clemens.” Miguel took her hand and smiled. “Welcome to Dos Hermanos.”

As they walked in, Izzy turned to their host. “Your place is so lovely.”

He and Clay had been to Miguel and Roberto’s establishment many times and had grown accustomed to the plush décor. But watching Izzy take it all in for the first time helped him appreciate it again.

Miguel led them past the rectangular bar with its tall chairs. The corner was where he and Jay often sat. But it was too casual and not intimate enough for what they wanted for their first meal with Izzy.

They continued walking through to the more formal dining area, with linen-clothed tables and comfortable plush chairs. The expansive wine cellar could be seen through a wall of glass. The decoration was modern, clearly the result of a design team carefully planning every aspect of the restaurant’s look.

“Is this to your liking, señorita?” Miguel pulled out a chair for Izzy at a table by the arched window that looked out to a patio filled with colorful plants and a wall fountain of terra cotta-colored tiles.

“It’s absolutely perfect, Miguel.” Izzy sat in the chair. “Thank you.”

“Gentlemen,” Miguel said, motioning to the other chairs.

“That’s the first time you’ve ever called us ‘gentlemen.’” Clay took his seat.

“Because I know you two so well, but this is the first time you’ve brought a lady to our restaurant. I’m on my best behavior, as I am sure you are, too.”

Izzy laughed. “Should I be nervous with these two, Miguel?”

“Don’t ask him.” Jay sat down. “He’s notorious for embellishing, and his brother is even worse.”

“Just wait until Roberto sees this beautiful señorita.” Miguel grinned.

“I believe he can stay in the kitchen.” Clay laughed.

“I know what wine Clay and Jay prefer,” their host said to Izzy. “But what may I bring you?”