Chapter Five

Cami held up the outfit that she, Izzy, and Toni had chosen for her date. It was a beautiful black cocktail dress that highlighted her figure perfectly. Peanut, her toy dachshund, stared up at her with big brown eyes.

“Do you think Roberto and Miguel will like this?”

Peanut wagged his tail.

She smiled and patted him on the head. “You’ve always been the one man in my life I can count on.”

Her cell rang.

She’d left it in her purse, which she’d placed on the bed. It rang again. Izzy had told her and Toni that she would call with the details about their day of beauty tomorrow once the appointment was made.

Sitting on the bed, she pulled her cell out of her purse. “Hi.”

A scary, computerized voice yelled. “You fucking slut. Who do you think you are? Better mind your own business or you will be sorry.”

The line went dead.

Shaking, she looked at her screen and saw the words “Unknown Caller.”

Peanut jumped on the bed next to her. Holding him close, she closed her eyes as memories flooded in. Hank had been the only person to ever call her slut, and a whole bunch of other horrible things. She reminded herself that the voice hadn’t sounded like Hank, but it had been masked. What if he was the caller? That wasn’t possible. He was in prison.

Her cell rang, vibrating in her hand. “Just leave me alone. You’ve got the wrong person.”

“Cami? It’s Izzy. Are you okay?”

“Thank God, it’s you.” She felt her shoulders relax as Peanut snuggled in close to her.

“What happened?”

“I got a prank call and thought they were calling me back.” She sat down on her bed and told Izzy what they said.

“Did you recognize the voice?”

“No. Whoever it was had their voice distorted. It sounded like something out of a horror movie to me.”

“Do you want me to come over and spend the night? I bet Toni would come, too. We could make it a sleepover and then go to our spa date in the morning together.”

She was glad to have such good friends. “No I’m fine. Besides, your husbands and the twins might need you more than I do. Really, it’s okay. I’ll just be sure to not pick up any numbers that come

across as unknown.” Hank’s twisted face that awful night floated in her mind.

“Cami, I’m sure it’s just some prankster dialing random numbers, but be sure to keep your door locked.”

“I always do.” Wanting to get her mind off the call, she said, “I love the outfit so much.”

“You’re going to knock the socks off those Sanchez brothers. Can you be ready by ten o’clock tomorrow? We’re all set at Waterfall Salon and Spa. Enrique is going to do your hair and makeup.”

“Oh my gosh, you can’t be serious. I saw him on television the other day taking about doing some of the biggest celebrities’ hair and makeup. That Enrique.”

“The one and only. He’s yours, mine, and Toni’s tomorrow. We’re going to look like celebrities ourselves.”

“I can’t believe this, Izzy. This is too much, but I wish I could see Clay and Jay’s faces when you walk in after our spa day.”

“Same for me. What I would give to see Roberto and Miguel when they pick you up for your date.”

Her jitters returned, just talking about the date. She needed to think about something else. “What about Toni? Who’s going to appreciate her spa day but her?”