“Thank you. Department Store Izzy is the place to shop.”

They all laughed and sat down.

She took a bite of the sweet cake and images of Roberto and Miguel kissing her hand flooded her thoughts. Was I crazy to say yes? Another bite. They are so handsome and charming. Another bite. But what if I’m wrong, what if they’re like…like Hank?

“Attention,” Izzy said. “All officers be on the lookout for a forty-two-year-old beauty, Camille Anderson. She has been missing for at least one minute.”

“One minute?” Toni didn’t seem convinced. “At least five.”

Their teasing pulled her back to the here and now. “You can call off the search,” she said. “I’m back.”

“Are you?” Toni asked. “Are you really?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I bet you took a trip back to the restaurant to see those two good-looking chefs, right?”

“Seriously, you two. They are very handsome, and they are very nice, and they are very smart, but—”

“They seem perfect for you,” Toni said. “Handsome. Nice. Smart.”

“But don’t you think I’m too old for them, really?”

“We’ve been over that already, Cami,” Izzy said. “No, I don’t think you are too old for the Sanchez brothers and neither does Toni.”

Toni nodded. “Preach it, sister. And obviously those two hunks don’t think you’re too old for them. They did ask you out, after all, Cami.”

Izzy’s tone softened, and her eyes locked on Cami’s. “And more importantly, you don’t think you’re too old for them either. That’s the truth, even if you’re not ready to admit it.”

“This is about Hank, isn’t it?” Toni reached over and took Cami’s hand. “Not about your age, right?”

“No one knows me better than the both of you. I’ve been to counseling, I’ve talked with you two, I’ve read books, but still I keep reliving what happened in my mind. Yes, Roberto and Miguel asked me out, and I accepted, but now I’m wondering if I should call them and cancel.”

“Don’t you dare,” Toni said firmly.

“But I don’t think I should burden anyone else with my problem.”

“There’s only one way for you to get over this.” Izzy was infamous for not beating around the bush. “And that’s to start dating again. You deserve happiness.”

“I am happy, relatively speaking.”

“Relatively speaking? What a crock of you-know-what.” Toni was even more infamous for speaking her mind. “We all know you want to get married one day and have kids. Guess what? If you don’t start dating, you can kiss that dream good-bye. You are not going to let what happened with Hank ruin the rest of your life. That would mean he still has control over you. Don’t let him, Cami.”

“I never thought of it that way.”

“Well, you should,” Toni said. “You are going on that date. You are going to have a good time. No arguments.”

“Okay. I’ll go out with them, but it’s just a date. A first date.” She took a sip of coffee. “I need your help. It’s been so long since I’ve gone out with a man, and never with two at the same time.”

Izzy jumped up. “I know just what we need to do to help you with that.”

“You do?” she and Toni asked together.

Izzy nodded. “Tomorrow, we are all going to the Waterfall Salon and Spa, but for now, let’s go to Izzy’s Department Store Closet and pick the perfect outfit for you to wear on your date.”

Toni got up on her feet. “Now that’s a great idea.”

“I love you both so very much.” Cami stood. “Let’s go shopping in your closet.”