“Thanks,” Cami said. “I really appreciate it.”

“I’ll bring out the dress once we get her an outfit to wear.” Izzy led her and Toni back to her bedroom and then to her closet, which was bigger than Cami’s entire apartment.

Cami slipped out of her dress and handed it to Izzy, who ran out to take it to her husbands.

“No matter how many times I see this space, I still can’t get over it,” Toni said.

“Me either. I’m so happy for her.”

Izzy returned. “That’s taken care of. Now, let’s see what we can find for you to wear.”

“Find?” Toni laughed.

“Stop it,” Izzy grinned. “Here, put this on. If it doesn’t work, I have more for you to try.”

Toni shook her head. “This looks like a department store, with all the choices.”

“You know I don’t buy all this. My men are constantly bringing home something for me. I’ve tried to make them stop, but they won’t.”

“I am so happy for you, Izzy.” Cami loved these two like sisters, sisters of the heart. She took the outfit Izzy had chosen, jeans and a cute top, both with their tags. “These are brand new.”

“I’d have to change clothes four and five times a day to get through all these clothes in a year.” Izzy sighed. “I need to have another talk with Clay and Jay.”

“I don’t think that will stop them from showering you with presents. They love you so much.” She liked the look of the outfit—classy but comfortable. “This reminds me of the old days when the three of us wore each other’s clothes.”

“While you’re figuring out which outfit will work for Cami, I’ll put on a pot of coffee to go with our leftover desserts.” Toni gathered up their to-go boxes.

“That sounds great,” Izzy said. “You know where everything is in my kitchen. Knock yourself out. We’ll be finished shortly.”

Toni left the room.

Cami looked at the tag on the jeans. “Size four? You just had twins, Izzy, and it’s obvious you already can fit in these. I’m not sure I can.”

“I know better than that. As far back as I can remember, you were between a two and a four.”

“Yes, but I’ve never had twins.” She slipped on Izzy’s jeans, which fit her perfectly. “How in the world did you do it?”

“It wasn’t easy, but I hit our gym every morning. I love the trainer Jay and Clay got for me. She’s mean as they come, but she got the job done.”

Cami put on the red top.

“Oh, Cami. You look beautiful.”

She turned and looked at her reflection in one of the full-length mirrors in Izzy’s closet. “I like this. Thanks, Izzy.”

“It belongs to you now.”

“I just couldn’t. These are four-hundred-dollar jeans.”

Izzy grabbed her hands and squeezed. “Please. Just do me a favor, Cami. Don’t make me beg.”

“Coffee is ready,” Toni yelled from the kitchen.

“Good,” Cami said. “Let’s go enjoy our cake before I grow out of these jeans.”

They walked into the kitchen, which was filled with the delicious aroma of coffee.

“You look gorgeous, Cami.” Toni had set the breakfast table with their desserts.