Miguel laughed. “No one ever accused the Sanchez brothers of taking things slow.”

He shrugged. “Maybe not, but look how long it took for us to get a date with her.”

* * * *

Cami sat between Izzy and Toni in the back of the taxi. All three of them had a box containing Roberto and Miguel’s dessert in their laps.

Izzy opened her purse and pulled out her keys. “Both of you are coming up to my place, so you can tell Toni and me what happened when we left the table. I have something that you can put on, and then we can rush your dress to the dry cleaners.”

“I’m so happy those two guys asked you out,” Toni said.

“The three of you are perfect for each other,” Izzy added. “I’ve known that ever since my guys’ birthday party.”

“Izzy, I know you have the perfect marriage, but that isn’t possible for everyone, especially me. I’m too old for them.”

“That’s a load of crap,” Toni said firmly. “Just look at you. You are gorgeous.”

“You’re one to talk. You’re beautiful, successful, and have so much to offer any man. How many times have the Kavanagh brothers asked you out and you’ve turned them down?”

“This is not about me. This is about you. Like I said, you’re gorgeous. Any twenty-year-old would be envious of you, so get off the age thing. That’s no excuse.”

The taxi pulled up in front of Izzy’s high-rise. They got out and walked inside. The doorman looked up from the monitor. “Hello, Mrs. Gibbs.”

“Hi, George. How’s your wife?”

“Irma is doing very well. Thank you for sending those roses on her birthday. She was so pleased and hasn’t stopped talking about it ever since.”

“I’m so glad she liked them.” Izzy led Cami and Toni to the elevator. Once inside, she inserted her key into the button marked “PH.”

PH, for penthouse.

Cami still couldn’t believe her friend was married to two billionaires, but it hadn’t changed Izzy one bit. She was still the warm, loving friend she’d always been.

When the elevator opened, Izzy’s husbands greeted them, each man holding one of their infant twins, Margaret and Collin.

“How did they do?” Izzy asked, kissing her babies on the foreheads.

“They did great, sweetheart,” Clay said.

Jay nodded. “Perfect angels.”

No one could deny how in love Izzy and her husbands were, and their two precious babies were adorable.

“Do you mind watching them a little longer?” Izzy asked. “I need to get Cami something to wear. We had a little incident at the restaurant that needs to be taken care of.”

“What incident?” Jay asked.

“A wine accident.” Cami turned around so that he and Clay could see the stain.

“Ah. Of course we’ll watch the babies, honey,” he said. “Clay and I took the entire day off. If you need more girl time together, knock yourself out. We love being with these two. In fact, we were just about to put them in the strollers and take a walk to the park. You three can have the entire penthouse to yourselves.”

“Just shoot us a text when you’re ready for us to come back, sweetheart,” Clay said.

“I will. I love you two so much.” Izzy kissed both her guys. “One favor, before you go. Would you mind taking Cami’s dress to the dry cleaners?”

“Sure.” Jay smiled.