“Nonsense,” Moody said. “You may be in London for several weeks. You’ll need plenty of time to pack. Tomorrow is soon enough.” Moody looked at his secretary. “Arrange for Clay, Jay, and Ms. Clemens to take the corporate jet to London. Also, have a car ready to pick her up at her home and take her to the airport.”

“Yes, sir.”

Corporate jet? Izzy could see the jealousy all over Tom and Lyle’s faces.

“After you finish with that, get Alberto on the line.”

“Of course.” Brandi left the room.

Tom sighed. He’d lost the war. She was being given a chance to prove herself, thanks to Moody.

Maybe I have been misjudging him. “Why do you think London is the key and not Chicago?” she asked the man.

“Good question, Ms. Clemens. London is outside the United States and farthest from GWI’s home offices. That is why it is the key,” Moody stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “Plus, we just acquired the company in London last spring. Chicago has been part of our family for over three years. If someone is stealing from my company, they will be conducting the operation from London.”

Brandi’s voice could be heard through the intercom. “Alberto is on line one, sir.”

“Good. I’m sending out the accountants and Clay and Jay to your desk.”

“Yes, sir. I’m making the arrangements now.”

“Keep me informed of every step of this project.” Moody brought his phone to his ear and turned his chair around. “Hola, Alberto. Como esta?”

They’d been dismissed without so much as a “thank you” or “I look forward to working with you.” Nothing.

Walking out of the office with the four men, she realized her first impression about Mr. Moody had been correct. He was an ass. But that ass had given her a chance of a lifetime, and she meant to do the best job she could.

The five of them stood in front of Brandi’s desk as she finished booking their travel. Clay and Jay stood on either side of her, which was causing the butterflies they’d given her earlier to stir inside her.

Brandi printed out Tom and Lyle’s itineraries and confirmations first. “All set, gentlemen.”

Tom turned his attention from Brandi to her. “Isabella, Lyle and I will be in Chicago by eleven tonight. Since you won’t be leaving until the morning, I want us to go back to our offices so we can plan our strategy for this project.”

“That won’t be necessary, Tom. Tomorrow, you report to the GWI office in Chicago and wait for my instructions. I’ll contact you and Lyle once I get settled in London. Then I’ll let you know how we will proceed.”

Tom’s eyes narrowed and his face darkened. “Look, Isabella, don’t be—”

“I think you heard the lady, Mr. Kinder,” Clay said firmly.

“Izzy is in charge of this project,” Jay added. “As my uncle said. That’s final.”

She smiled as Tom and Lyle walked away. She felt empowered and on top of the world. This was her chance, the one she’d been waiting for.

“Izzy, since we’re going to be spending a lot of time together for the next week or so at least, how about Jay and I take you to lunch?”

“Great idea, Clay.” Jay grinned. “That way we can have a chance to get to know each other better. What do you say, my lady?” He bowed once again like he and Clay had done earlier in Moody’s office. “Would you grace these two humble knights with your company over a delicious meal?”

Clay joined in the fun and bent at the waist, grabbing her hand. “I knowest a fine establishment that is fit for a princess of your caliber. Haveth thy heard of the Burger King?”

She laughed. “How can I refuseth such honorable knights?”

They each offered her their arms and the three of them walked out of the building together.

She tried to remind h

erself that they were much too young, but her heart kept arguing that they were perfect for her. Oh Izzy, you better be careful with these two or you will get into trouble.

Chapter Three