She realized Roberto and Miguel were waiting for her to try their dessert. “Nothing. But only one bite. I’m so full I’ll have to take the rest home.”

“Certainly,” Roberto said. “We have special containers for that.”

They all laughed at the mention of one of the words of the day again.

She took a bite and was delighted by the taste of the dessert the two gorgeous chefs had made for her. “Mmm. So sweet and creamy.”

Roberto and Miguel smiled.

She grinned. “Maybe just one more bite.”

“Excuse me.” Izzy stood, grabbing her purse. “I need to call my husbands to see how the twins are doing, but I’ll be right back.”

Toni also left her chair. “Pardon me, but I need to make a quick trip to the ladies’ room. Can you point me in the right direction?”

“Just past the bar and to your right,” Miguel told Toni.

Cami knew that her two best friends were disappearing on purpose, despite claiming otherwise. This was a ploy they’d used on her before when they were trying to set her up.

Roberto and Miguel pulled up chairs from another table and sat down.

She looked around the restaurant. Not another soul in sight. Being alone with them was reigniting her jitters, making her feel like a teenager. But she wasn’t a teenager, not for many years now, and it had been a lot of years since she was their age. Be reasonable, Cami. This has no chance of working out.

Taking a deep breath, she asked, “What time is it?”

“Five after three,” Miguel answered.

“Oh my God, we got here at noon.”

“You can stay as long as you like, señorita.” Miguel took her hand and kissed it, like he had done earlier.

Once again,

electricity shot up and down her arm. Use your head, girl. “That’s very nice of you, but I had no idea that much time had passed. When Izzy and Toni get back, we’ll get out of your hair.”

Roberto smiled and took her other hand, just like before. “Are you in a rush?” When his lips touched the back of her hand, she felt several trembles inside her body. “Besides, we have something important we’d like to ask you, Camille.”

Hearing him say her name in that sexy accent gave her goose bumps. “Sure. Anything. I mean…okay.” Gazing into Roberto’s dark-brown eyes and feeling Miguel squeeze her hand was tying up her tongue in knots and giving her butterflies.

“Miguel and I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night, say, around seven. Is that a good time for you?”

“Good time. Yes. Uh. I like time. Punctuality is my middle name.” Cami, they must think you’re insane. “I mean…Oh my God, what’s wrong with me? Too many drinks, I suppose. Yes. I would love to go to dinner with both of you tomorrow night.”

Suddenly, someone bumped into her chair and she felt liquid run down her back. She shot up to her feet. Her purse, which had been hung on the back of her chair, fell, spilling its contents on the floor.

Roberto and Miguel jumped up.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.” Alessandra had spilled red wine down her back. The woman bent down and began retrieving Cami’s items and placing them back in her purse.

“What happened, Alessandra?” Roberto narrowed his eyes, demanding an answer. It was both terrifying and awe inspiring to Cami.

“I tripped on that napkin on the floor.” Appearing stricken, Alessandra reached for the white napkin in question and held it up.

Hoping to calm everyone down, Cami said, “It’s okay. Accidents happen.”

Miguel yelled to Marcos, “Bring cloths!”

“Cami, I’m so sorry.” Alessandra’s voice shook.