“I should say so,” he said. “They were the biggest ducks in the puddle at Jay’s and my thirtieth birthday bash.”

“I was a little surprised you invited them,” Jay said. “Anyone up for wine?”

“I wouldn’t mind a glass,” he answered.

“Just sparkling water for me, honey.” Izzy looked out the window. “I can’t get over the sunsets from up here. They’re unbelievable.” She grabbed his hand. “How about we sit out on the balcony for a bit?”

“Sure, sweetheart.”

“It’s a little chilly. I’ll meet you two out there with our beverages and some blankets.” Jay walked to the wine room.

He and Izzy sat down next to each other on the large outdoor reclining sofa he had specially made for the three of them.

“I spoke with the photographer this morning, honey,” she said. “He is sending a disk of all the photos he took at your birthday bash tomorrow. I hope the three of us can go through them together.”

“Sure, sweetheart. That’s what weekends are for. Being together.”

She leaned into him. “Did you see how Toni was acting around the Kavanagh brothers at the party?”

“Her? What about them? They were clearly quite taken with her. And what about Miguel and Roberto, professional chefs, who were constantly needing Cami’s help in the kitchen? Something is definitely up with those three, too.”

“Do you think there might be something in the water?”

“Yes, I do. And it’s contagious, too, obviously.”

Jay came out with their drinks. “Wine for Clay. Water for the lady.”

Izzy and he laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“The water,” she said, and clued him in. Then she patted the empty seat next to her. “Come sit by me, honey.”

“My pleasure, angel.”

They sat quietly looking out at the sun slipping down behind the horizon.

“So what’s the latest on James and Janice’s situation?” she asked.

“I forgot to tell you,” Jay said.

“Tell us what?” he asked.

“James popped the question last night.”

“She said ‘yes’ didn’t she?” Izzy asked, excitement in her tone.

“Yep. Those two are officially an item.”

“And we had a little part in that, bro.” The three of them clinked their glasses together.

James and Janice had reconnected during the final wrap-up of the police’s investigation. Being co-CEO with Jay had its advantages. They had promoted Janice to Chief Financial Officer and relocated her to GWI’s headquarters in Dallas—in part for her to put in better checks and balances for the company’s funds. They didn’t want a repeat of what had happened with Moody ever again. Not only was Janice the right choice for that position, but it also allowed her and James to be together.

All of the money had been returned, and the title to the island that Moody had purchased with stolen funds was now owned by GWI. He and Jay had plans to turn it into a corporate retreat as well as a getaway spot for the family. Our family.

“Sweetheart, when does Gabby’s semester end?” he asked Izzy.

“A month from now. Why?”