But what about children? I just don’t know what I should do.

* * * *

Jay parked his car in front of the warehouse. It appeared deserted. There were no people or cars around. “Looks like we got here before Izzy.”

“Thank God,” Clay said. “She’s a fireball, that one.”

“Our fireball, bro.”

Clay nodded.

Since dropping Izzy off at her place, they’d talked about how they were going to convince her to stay with them. It was clear the main issue that she was dealing with about continuing their relationship was about starting a family. He and Clay had never even thought about having kids until Izzy had brought it up. So they discussed it as they gathered the bolt cutters and their weapons and decided it was not a priority. She was their priority—their only priority.

They exited the car and walked up to the main door, which was chained.

“Good thing I brought these.” Clay held up the bolt cutters.

Once the chain was broken, they brought out their guns and cautiously entered the warehouse.

“Completely empty, bro,” Clay said.

“Just like we expected, but we better check all t

he shelves.” He flipped a switch but no light came on. The only illumination came from the few windows in the space that were glazed over with years of dust.

They walked between the rows of the two-story building. Along the perimeter, ten feet high, was a catwalk. They found some empty barrels and some crates, but nothing more.

“Bill’s guilty. There’s no doubt left about that anymore.” He brought out his cell. “Let’s call Izzy and tell her what we found.”

“I’m sure she won’t be surprised. She’s the one who discovered this place.”

“Hi, Jay. I’m almost there. Where are you?”

“We are inside the warehouse, sweetheart. And it’s completely empty, just like you said it would be.”

“Be sure to take pictures, Jay. We may need that for proof.”

“Of course.” He heard a metallic sound coming from the very back of the warehouse.

“What’s that?” Clay asked, lifting his gun.

“What’s going on?” Izzy asked. “Is everything okay?”

Before he could answer, gunfire erupted around him and Clay.

* * * *

Hearing gunfire through her cell made Izzy’s heart skip a beat. “Jay? Talk to me. What’s going on?”

“Call 911, Izzy. Stay away.”

The line went dead.

“Oh my God. Oh my God.” She dialed the emergency number and continued speeding down the road.

“This is the 911 operator. What’s your emergency?”

“Gunshots were fired.” She rattled off the address of the warehouse. “Clay and Jay Gibbs are there. I think they’re in trouble.”