“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true. And with fertility drugs the chance goes up. You can’t imagine what is being done these days. Besides, you haven’t even started menopause. So there may not even be a problem. And if you don’t want to go through childbirth you could always adopt.”

“Now you’re sounding just like Clay and Jay.”

“Smart guys. I knew I was going to like them. So when do we all get to meet each other?”

“Honey, I know you are a hopeless romantic, which is something I love about you. But this is real life. I don’t see how it could ever work between me and them.”

“Just think about what I said, Mom. Promise me you won’t make any rash decisions.”

“Gabby, I’ve already made my decision, but I promise I will think about what you said.” Izzy’s cell rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw Tom’s name. “I need to take this.”

“And I need to clean up. I am meeting up with some friends for breakfast. Let’s have dinner together.”

She nodded and answered her phone. “One second, Tom.”


She hit the mute button. “Gabby, why don’t we go to Dos Hermanos tonight?”

“Fancy. Sounds perfect.” Gabby kissed her on the cheek and went into the bathroom.

She clicked off the mute button. “Hi, Tom. What have you and Lyle found in Chicago?”

“Hello, Ms. Clemens,” Bill Moody’s voice came through her cell like a sharp knife.

“Mr. Moody?” She looked at the screen again, which still showed Tom’s name. “Are you in Chicago with Tom?”

“No, I’m in Dallas.”

Tom spoke next. “Mr. Moody called me this morning when he couldn’t reach you. I told him about our conference call and he asked to join. So Lyle and I patched him in.”

“Excellent.” Izzy felt her heart thudding in her chest, but she tried to keep her nervousness out of her voice. “We don’t have much to report to you, Mr. Moody, I’m afraid.”

“That’s what Tom and Lyle told me. Are you and my nephews still in London?”

She could lie, but decided not to. The man might already know they were back, and she didn’t want to tip him off that they were on to him. “No, sir. We just landed an hour ago. I’m home.”

“I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

“I can’t wait to crawl into my bed.” I need to let Clay and Jay know about this. “Your nephews and I didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. Just a glitch in GWI’s reports, as you believed it would be. I was waiting to talk with Tom and Lyle. If they found the same results as we did in London, I was going to have them fly home today.”

“We didn’t find anything, boss,” Lyle said. “Everything checks out.”

“That’s great news, guys. Good work. Mr. Moody, I’ll write up a full report for you.”

There was a long pause, which made her worry. How much did the man know about the investigation? Had Gonzales and Mason reported back to him? Even so, Moody surely didn’t know that she had discovered the Dallas warehouse’s existence. Only Clay and Jay knew about it.

“Very good,” Moody said. “Bring your report to my office any time tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.”

She heard a click. “Hello?”

“We are still on the line,” Tom said. “Lyle and me. But the light went off. Moody hung up. Isabella, we have more to report than we told him.”

“You do?”