
“Everyone else has introduced themselves but you.”

Oh God, I wasn’t paying attention. “Of course,” she said in her most professional tone. “I’m Isabella Clemens, but you may call me ‘Izzy.’ That’s what my mother called me, except when she was angry with me.” Stop rambling, Izzy.

Clay and Jay smiled at her, which only made them look more appealing.

“Now that the introductions are done, let’s get down to business,” Moody said. “Tom, give your two associates the paperwork.”

“Yes, sir.” Tom handed one to Lyle first and then to her last.

“It’s your typical confidentiality agreement.” Moody’s impatience was obvious. It was clear he wanted to get this meeting over with as quickly as possible.

She looked at the page but the letters were blurry. “I need my glasses.” She reached in her purse and began unloading its contents on the coffee table in front of her, Clay, and Jay. “I know they’re in here.” The pile began to grow as she brought out her makeup, her keys, some tissues, several receipts, and her checkbook. But still no reading glasses.

Jay grinned. “Next time Clay and I have to pack for a trip, we’re calling you, Izzy. How in the world does all that stuff fit in your purse?”

“Magic.” She laughed just as her fingers found her glasses. “Here they are.” Then her cell rang. Great first impression. “I’m sorry. I should have turned that off.”

“Yes, you should have,” Tom scolded.

She looked at the screen. “It’s my daughter. Let me text her that I’m in a meeting and will call her back.”

Moody was staring at her, which made her nervous. What was he thinking? “Go ahead, Ms. Clemens.”

Tom and Lyle glared at her. She had no doubt they would report her actions to Mr. Jenkins the moment they returned to the office.

As fast as she could, she typed, Honey, I’ll call you back. In a meeting.

Okay, Mom, Gabby sent back.

She turned her cell to silent and looked up from her screen. “No more interruptions. I promise.”

“Are you sure you shouldn’t have taken that?” Clay asked her.

“It might have been an emergency,” Jay said.

“Oh no. Gabby would’ve typed 9-1-1 if it had been urgent.” She couldn’t get over how nice these two gorgeous men were being. They seemed genuinely concerned and interested in her. She put on her glasses and began reading the agreement Moody had given her, Tom, and Lyle.

Tom shook his head, the disgust on his face as clear as could be. “You don’t have to read this, Isabella. We always have to sign papers like this. Mr. Moody is very busy, and you’ve already taken up too much of his time.”

“Mr. Kinder, it is always best to read a document before you sign it.” Jay had come to her defense.

Tom instantly backed down.

Clay turned to her and smiled. “Izzy, take all the time you need.”

He and Jay were true gentlemen. Any woman would be lucky to date one of them.

“Thank you.” She tried to get a better read on Moody.

The man looked at her strangely, as if he were trying to read her thoughts. “Take your time, miss.” Moody clicked a button on his phone. “Brandi, cancel my next appointment.”

As quickly as possible she scanned the document. “Seems to be in order.”

“Then sign it,” Lyle snapped at her.

“I need a pen.” She looked over the contents of her purse, which were still laid out on the coffee table. There wasn’t a pen in sight. “I know I have one.”