Without a word of thanks, Tom and Lyle walked away.

That pissed Izzy off. They could be so ungrateful. She knew how far a smile or a kind word could go. Back when she had still been married to the asshole, she’d worked as a secretary of a trucking company. A thankless job. Except for one or two drivers, she would go weeks without so much as a nod from anyone.

“Thank you,” she told the young woman and followed the two arrogant men.

As the three of them rode the elevator to the top of the building, Izzy tried to calm her nerves by taking quiet, deep breaths. She wanted to make a good first impression.

The elevator doors opened and an attractive young woman greeted them.

“I’m Brandi, Mr. Moody’s personal assistant. Follow me, please.”

Izzy saw how Tom and Lyle leered at Brandi’s ass. No wonder. Brandi couldn’t have been over twenty-eight and had a perfect figure.

Brandi led them into the man’s corner office, which was massive. The view of downtown could be seen from the floor-to-ceiling glass walls.

Talking on the phone, Mr. Moody sat behind his desk. He motioned for the three of them to take a seat. “Get the shipment sitting at Tibury to its destination ASAP. Understand?”

Tom and Lyle took the chairs right in front of the desk, leaving her the sofa, which was to the side. The pissing match was already beginning and she was coming out the loser.

“Kenneth Mason is my man on the ground there,” Moody continued. It was obvious to her that he was used to getting his way. “See him. He’ll know what to do.”

The door opened and two extremely attractive men entered the office, each carrying some files. Tom and Lyle took little notice of the duo, keeping most of their focus on Mr. Moody. But she couldn’t seem to stop staring at them. They were mirror images of one another—twins, no doubt. They each had thick black hair. Their dark eyes mesmerized her. Six-three or six-four in height, filling out their gray suits perfectly.

I would love to know what is under their clothes. Muscles for days, I’m sure. Oh my God, Izzy, stop it. They were too young for her, but they might not be too old for her daughter, Gabby.

And then the two gorgeous beasts were standing right in front of her.

“Do you mind if we sit next to you, my lady?” The one to her left smiled and bowed.

The one on her right also bowed. “Or are you saving the sofa for another?”

She grinned at their antics, which made her feel a little less nervous about the meeting. “Please, my lords. The seats are yours.”

They each kissed the back of her hand, giving her butterflies.

I need to get a grip. I’m at least ten years older than they are.

Moody held his hand over the speaker of his phone. “Boys, this is a business meeting, not a renaissance faire.”

“Please.” She started to scoot from the middle to the side of the sofa, but before she could, the two of them sat down on either side of her.

Mr. Moody’s voice rose as he continued his call. “No arguments. Just make it happen.” After hanging up the phone, the man turned to them. “So let’s get down to work. My time is money.”

She had an instant dislike for the man, but he was an important client. Her feelings weren’t going to get in the way of her doing her job.

Moody handed a folder to Tom. “There are three confidentiality agreements inside. I’ll need the three of you to sign them before we can proceed.”

“Shouldn’t we introduce ourselves before papers are signed?” the other handsome twin asked. He and his brother might be too young for her but she couldn’t help but like their manners and style.

“Fine.” Moody seemed irritated but didn’t push back at him, which seemed a little odd. Maybe her first impressions about Moody’s personality were wrong. “I’ll go first. I’m William Moody, CEO of GWI. These are my two nephews, Clay and Jay Gibbs—Vice President of Marketing and Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions respectively. And you three are?”

Tom leapt to his feet and shook Moody’s hand. “I’m Thomas Kinder, the lead of the team, sir. It’s a pleasure to be working with you.”

Lyle stood as well, offering his hand to Moody. “I’m Lyle Gibson, sir. It’s an honor to meet you. I’ve been following GWI for years now.”

As Lyle continued the sucking up, she ventured another glance at Clay and Jay Gibbs. God, they are gorgeous. They could be male models, if they weren’t sporting the name of one of the largest companies in the country.

“Miss?” Clay looked at her with his big dark eyes.