
lly, kiddo, I’m forty-two, but thank you for the compliment.”

“Oh my God, you’re a year older than my mother,” Becca said.

“Time for you two to get back to work,” Clay said sternly.

The two women’s faces fell and they glared at her with open hostility as they returned to their chairs.

Clay and Jay led her to the elevators.

When the doors closed, Jay hit the top floor button.

Jay burst out laughing. “Iconic bitches, aren’t they?”

She and Clay also laughed.

“Exactly what I was thinking,” Clay said.

“Me, too,” she admitted. “But I can’t blame them. You guys are sure handsome.”

“And you can’t blame us either, Izzy,” Jay said. “You are the most beautiful woman we’ve ever seen.”

“Oh really? What about yours and those girls’ favorite restaurant?”

Clay laughed. “Sweetheart, we’ve never been on a date with them. We had a company dinner at Gordon Ramsay’s that Becca and Shari attended.”

She shouldn’t care either way, but knowing they’d never gone out with the two girls made her extremely happy.

“But Gordon’s restaurant is mine and Clay’s favorite place to eat in London. That’s why we booked the space for the company to have its annual party there last spring. It was a big hit.”

Clay kissed her on the cheek. “And I reserved a table for you, me, and Jay for tonight before we left Dallas.”

“Are you asking me on a date, gentlemen?” she asked teasingly.

Jay got down on his knee and grabbed her hand.

Clay did the same. “Lady Isabella Clemens, would you doeth me and my brother the honor of having—”

The elevator doors opened on the tenth floor to a waiting trio of men in suits, who seemed amused by what they saw.

She felt heat flood her cheeks. “Get up. Please. I’ll go. I’ll go. Just get up.”

“Good morning Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Gibbs,” the tallest one said. “We could take the next lift if you need privacy.”

“It’s okay,” Jay said. “She said ‘yes.’ Welcome aboard, gentlemen.”

“Thank you, sir.”

They filed in and one of them hit the button for another floor.

“I spoke with your uncle this morning,” the one closest to Jay said. “He instructed me to have my team assist you with whatever you need in your probe.”

Probe? The man’s words brought into clear focus why she and the two brothers were here. Why would their uncle tell this man or anyone else at GWI’s offices about their investigation? If there was someone behind the missing inventory and it wasn’t just an accounting error, the more people who knew about the examination they were conducting, the less chance they had of finding the culprit and any associates he or she might have.

“That won’t be necessary, Arnold,” Clay told him. “The three of us can handle it just fine. But thank you for the offer.”

“Of course, sir.”