“Heavenly. And the champagne and snacks relaxed me even more. Where do I sleep?”

Jay swept her up into his arms. “In the middle, sweetheart, between me and Clay.”

Chapter Nine

Walking between Clay and Jay, Izzy entered GWI’s London offices. Like the Dallas headquarters, it was impressive with its marble floors, exquisite art, and fine furnishings.

Two young women sat behind a large reception desk. They looked to be about Gabby’s age. Both were very cute, one with short, dark hair and one with long, red hair. The moment their eyes landed on Clay and Jay, they stood and came around the desk to greet them.

“It’s been too long since you were here,” the brunette told Clay in a very distinct British accent, flirting openly.

“Far too long,” the redhead addressed Jay. Her tone was also very English.

“This is Isabella Clemens,” Clay told them. “She will be working with us. Izzy, this is Becca.”

“Hello,” the brunette said curtly, and motioned to the redhead. “This is Shari.”

Izzy could tell that neither woman wanted to give her the time of day. They were completely focused on the two handsome Gibbs brothers. “A pleasure to meet you both.”

Becca quickly turned her attention back to Clay and leaned into him. “When I read the e-mail that you were going to be here today, I took the liberty to book our favorite restaurant for tonight.”

“Gordon Ramsay’s?”

“Yes.” The young girl looked up into his eyes. “And Shari thought it would be nice to go to this new club that’s close by.”

“My cousin is in the band.” Shari took Jay’s hand. “I know you’ll love them. They call themselves Iconic Bitches of the Thames.”

“Iconic Bitches?” Izzy felt jealousy welling up inside her. “What a name.”

Shari turned to her and frowned. “They are fantastic. We would invite you, but I’m sure that it’s not your type of music.”

“It’s for a very young crowd, ma’am,” Becca said, still looking in Clay’s eyes. “But if you would like to hear some music tonight, Ms. Clemens, there’s a jazz club my aunts and mother love close by that I’m sure you would enjoy.”

With the name “bitches,” you two should fit right in.

Why am I feeling this way? Sure, she loved spending time with Clay and Jay. In her mind, she knew it could never be more than a fling with them. But for some damn reason her heart seemed to have other ideas. That’s why her green eyes were burning with jealousy.

Come on, Izzy. Think.

She couldn’t really blame the young women. Clay and Jay were gorgeous. Becca and Shari might be a little young for the guys but they were closer in age to them than she was.

Becca didn’t wait for her response but addressed Clay. “Our reservation is for eight,” she said with a smile. “But if you need a later time, it’s easy to have it changed.”

“For them, it’s easy.” Shari winked at Jay. “Any restaurant in London would make room for the Gibbs brothers no matter if they were booked solid.”

Clay and Jay stepped back from Becca and Shari.

“We’ve already asked this beautiful lady to go out with us tonight,” Clay told them.

Izzy loved hearing him call her beautiful.

“Actually, all our nights in London will be with her,” Jay added, taking her hand, sweeping away her jealousy with his touch.

Becca frowned. “This trip can’t be just about business, Clay.” She clearly wasn’t waving the white flag yet. “You and Jay deserve some fun.”

“It’s not just business,” he stated firmly. “Why do you think we’re going out with Izzy tonight? We plan on having a blast with her.” Clay put his arm around Izzy’s shoulder and looked her in the eyes while addressing Becca. “She’s more fun than anyone we’ve ever known.”

Shari folded her arms over her chest. “I had no idea that you two preferred older women. Ms. Clemens looks to be at least thirty-two or thirty-three.”