Jay opened the cabinet with the eighteen-year-old scotch that Charles always provided whenever they stayed at the hotel. “You want one?”

“I sure do.” Clay held a glass of champagne and a plate of food. “Let me deliver this to Izzy. I’ll be right back.”

He poured the amber liquid into two glasses for him and Clay. They both liked drinking scotch neat. No ice. No water. Truthfully, they had similar tastes about most things. And Izzy was no exception.

He took a sip. “Mmm.” He grinned, recalling Izzy’s sweet moans. Another taste. He loved the scotch’s rich flavor and the burn.

Clay returned. “Our girl isn’t going to be awake for very long, Jay.”

“Our girl?” He handed him his drink. “I don’t know if she’s our girl yet, Clay, but I sure want her to be. Still, we’ve only known her a very short time. I never was one who thought you could fall in love with a woman so fast.”

“Me either, but we were both wrong about that. She’s the one. I knew we were on the same page, bro.” Clay took a sip of the scotch. “Mmm. This is good.” His twin grinned.

“I bet you were remembering her sweet moans just like I did.”

“We are twins.” Clay took a seat. “Of course I was. Are you hoping for forever with her, like I am?”

Jay sat on the sofa, facing him. “I want that more than anything. We’ve never met a woman that is so perfect for us.”

“I agree.” Clay smiled. “But how can we convince her of that? I don’t think that she believes this is serious.”

“That’s pretty clear to me, too. This seems to be fun and games only to her. She needs to fall madly in love with both of us before we return to Dallas.”

“We don’t control the heart,” Clay said. “Maybe she will fall in love with us just being ourselves. Do you think she’s still hung up on the age difference?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Jay recalled how Izzy had acted in her loft when they’d picked her up. “At least she’s stopped trying to play matchmaker for her daughter with us.”

“That’s true, but I still believe she thought it would be okay as long as this was only a fling. She isn’t looking at us as potential husbands.”

Jay took another drink of his scotch. He and Clay sat quietly together, contemplating how to proceed. There was no other person in the world who understood him better than his twin. Their bond was unbreakable. “Whenever you and I put our minds to a challenge we always triumph, bro.”

“Jay, Izzy isn’t a problem to be solved. She is a woman to be won.”

“Do you think we should tell her how we feel? Put all our cards on the table?”

Clay nodded. “We definitely should, but only when the time is right. And since we are twins, don’t you think we’ll know that at the same time?”

“I’m sure we will more than likely, but in case we don’t, perhaps we should come up with a sign between us.” Jay grinned. “Like when we were kids.”

“Exactly.” Clay held up his thumb and touched his nose. “How about this?”

Jay laughed. “A little over the top, bro. Maybe just a wink.”

“Sounds good to me. Now back to the issue at hand. How do we win Izzy’s heart?”

“We just have to be ourselves and show her how much she means to us. Whatever it takes.” He held up his glass.

Clay did the same. “Whatever it takes.”

“Whatever it takes, what?” Izzy asked with a yawn. She stood in the hallway wearing a white bathrobe. Her feet were bare and her hair was wrapped up in a towel. She looked absolutely perfect.

“Whatever it takes to figure out our challenge in front of us,” he answered truthfully, but knew she would think he and Clay had been talking about work instead of her.

“You’re right. We better get some rest.” She smiled.

He and Clay put down their empty glasses and moved next to her.

“How was your bath, angel?” Clay asked.