When the kiss ended, she said, “B–But—”

Clay frowned. “No ifs, ands, or buts, Izzy, unless you don’t find us attractive.”

“It’s not that. You’re both so very handsome. It’s just I’m not…not right for you.”

“We’ll make the decision on that,” Jay said, sweeping her off her feet and into his arms. “Come on, Clay. Let’s go make that decision right now.”

“Damn right, we will.”

They carried her into the bedroom. Might as well go with the flow. She loved their take-charge attitude. It made her feel so feminine, so adored.

Jay lowered her onto the bed, and Clay shut and locked the door.

Together, they began removing her clothes. She knew it was time to quit protesting. Just go with it, Izzy. Enjoy what they are offering. They?

“I’ve never had two men at once.”

“You’re about to, angel,” Clay said. “Just relax and let us show you how pleasurable it can be.”

When they removed her bra and panties, Jay smiled and in a tone of awe said, “Look at this gorgeous body. Izzy, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He leaned down and kissed her, tracing her lips with his tongue. “I can’t get enough of you, sweetheart.” He deepened his kiss, and she melted into him, feeling her toes curl and her desire ramp up.

When Jay released her mouth, she turned to Clay, who was completely naked, having stripped out of his clothes while they’d been kissing. He reminded her of a Greek god, with his chiseled frame and six-pack abs. But there was no fig leaf hiding his desire for her. His thick, long cock was hard. Without a word, he climbed in next to her, devouring her mouth.

His kiss was potent and caused her temperature to rise. She ran her fingers over his hard muscles, as their tongues tangled together.

Jay was naked and climbed in on the other side of her, running his hands down her back and sides. His body was the mirror image of Clay’s. Even their cocks seemed identical. Male beauty at its finest in visual stereo, right in front of me. I have two Greek gods. There was a primal ferociousness to his and Clay’s lovemaking that every inch of her seemed to be responding to.

I can’t believe I’m really doing this, but I can’t stop myself, nor do I want to even if I could.

Jay kissed the back of her neck, producing gooseflesh all over her body. Clay massaged her breast gently, continuing to kiss her into oblivion.

Feeling Clay and Jay’s caresses and kisses took her to a new level of foreplay she’d never experienced before. Her body was responding in ways that were new and exciting. She wanted more, needed more.

And they pushed on, increasing the pressure that was growing inside her. Clay sucked on her nipples and fingered her pussy, while Jay began licking her anus, something that was completely new to her. They were driving her wild with desire and she loved every second of it.

She moaned. “So good. More. Please. More.”

“That’s what we love to hear, angel,” Clay said, kissing his way down her body until she could feel his hot breath on her dampening pussy. “I want to taste you. Every drop.” He raked his tongue over her wet folds, and she felt a vibration that shook her entire body.

He and Jay licked her most intimate flesh, her pussy and ass, provoking a scream from her. She grabbed the pillow and placed it over her face to stifle the sound.

“Yes, baby,” Jay said. “Are we sending you to the moon yet?”

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” She yelled into the pillow. “I need you both, but how?”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that, angel,” Clay said. “We’ll show you.”

Jay began applying lubricant to her anus. Where he’d gotten it, she had no idea, but she was glad he had. The more he fingered her ass, the closer to the moon she got.

She heard foil ripping and knew they were putting on protection. Still, it was obvious they were planning this, but she didn’t care. She was glad.

She moved the pillow to the side, though keeping it close and ready should she feel the urge to scream again. She didn’t want anything to ruin this glorious feeling she was experiencing, like Anne knocking on the door concerned that something was wrong.

Clay moved up her body, again dotting kisses all over her skin. Once they were face-to-face with each other, he rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. She felt his cock rubbing on the folds of her pussy.

“Please. I need you inside me, Clay. Please.”

“Yes, angel. I want to be inside you. I want to feel your pussy tightening on my dick.” He pushed into her slowly, inch by inch, stretching her more than she’d ever felt before.