“Yes,” Jay answered. “We have some big executives at GWI.”

“Big in what way?” She laughed.

He and Clay smiled.

“I can’t speak for anyone else,” Jay said. “But Clay and I are twins. We’re both well over six feet tall.” He laughed. “That’s what you meant, right?”

She smiled. “Sure. That’s exactly what I meant.”

The pilot’s voice came over a speaker. “Please take your seats and buckle up. We will be taxiing to the runway.”

“Great tour, guys. Thank you.”

They returned to their seats. Like in the limo, she sat between Clay and Jay. Anne took their empty glasses before taking her seat in the galley, out of view.

As the jet began moving, Clay and Jay took her hands once again. She felt warm all over. Was it because of the Mimosa or their touches? Probably a little of both.

“We’ve been cleared for takeoff,” the pilot’s voice announced.

“Here we go,” Clay said. “No turning back now.”

The jet’s engines roared to life and they raced down the runway and into the air.

“This is the most exciting day I’ve ever had in my life.” She grinned. “I’ve never even flown first class, much less on a private jet as nice as this.”

Jay winked. “Poor Tom and Lyle.”

Clay laughed. “They had to fly commercial.”

“At least it’s just to Chicago, but I’m sure I won’t hear the end of it when I get back to the firm’s offices.”

After a few minutes, the pilot’s voice announced, “We have reached our cruising altitude of forty-five thousand feet. You are free to move about the cabin.”

They enjoyed their meal, which was heavenly.

Anne refreshed their drinks. “Can I get you anything else?”

“No, thank you,” she said. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”

Jay stood. “No more for me.”

Clay left his seat and offered Izzy his hand. “Me either. Thank you, Anne. It was great.”

“My pleasure.” Anne began clearing the table.

Izzy walked out of the dining room with Clay and Jay, once again on their arms. “If I keep eating Miguel and Roberto’s food, I’m going to gain twenty pounds at least.”

“It wouldn’t matter to me how much weight you gained,” Clay said. “You would still be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Hear, hear,” Jay agreed.

“You both are so sweet to say so, but I know there are plenty of women closer to your age that are much better looking than me.”

Jay fixed her with a hard stare. “Enough about your age, Izzy. You are absolutely stunning, no matter how old you are. The moment Clay and I saw you we both wanted to kiss you just like this.” He pressed his mouth to hers and took her breath away.

When Jay released her, she didn’t have time to get her bearings before Clay stepped in front of her.

“Jay’s right, Izzy. We wanted to get to know you better from the very first second.” Clay kissed her, melting her insides.