Jay took her other hand. “I can’t wait to show you mine and Clay’s favorite places in London.”

“We have work to do, Jay.”

“During the day. Nights belong to us.”

Oh God. Another signal? Izzy, you’ve got to be realistic. She looked down at her hands, which were still being held by Clay and Jay. Why couldn’t she just have some fun with them? What the hell? It had been a very long time, and that part of her certainly wasn’t dead yet. What harm could there be in just going with the flow and seeing where it took her?

The limo parked and the three of them stepped onto the tarmac. Seeing the plane with the GWI’s logo painted on the side made everything more real somehow. The jet was much larger than she’d imagined. It seemed as big as the president’s plane, Air Force One. I’m going to London.

Clay and Jay stood on either side of her, offering her their arms. She smiled and took them as the driver unloaded their luggage from the trunk.

As they entered the plane, she couldn’t believe her eyes. They walked into a space that had leather seats, a big-screen television, and a fully stocked bar.

“Welcome aboard, Ms. Clemens,” a young woman greeted her. “Gentlemen, welcome back.”

“Izzy, this is Anne,” Jay said. “She’s the best flight attendant around. She’ll be taking good care of us the whole trip.”

“The Sanchez brothers already delivered your breakfast. I’ve set it out in the dining room for you.”

Izzy’s eyes widened. “This plane has a dining room?”

Anne smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Anne, we’re going to introduce Ms. Clemens to Zane and Maddox,” Clay said.

“Would any of you like something to drink? Coffee, juice, Mimosa, Bloody Mary?”

“I’ll have a Bloody Mary,” Jay said.

Clay nodded “Same for me.” The two of them were more alike than just their looks.

Getting into the spirit of things, she said, “I’d like a Mimosa, if it’s no trouble.”

“No trouble at all.” Anne smiled and walked over to the bar. “I’ll have them ready when you come back from the cockpit.”

“Guys, this is incredible. What kind of plane is this?”

“It’s a Challenger 604, Izzy.” Clay put his arm around her shoulder.

He and Jay led her to the cockpit.

“Izzy, this is our captain, Zane Kavanagh,” Jay said. “And his co-pilot and brother, Maddox. Guys, this is Isabella Clemens.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Clemens,” the Kavanagh brothers said in unison.

“For me, too.” She shook their hands. “Please call me Izzy.”

Zane and Maddox were handsome and appeared to be about the same age as Clay and Jay, though in the looks department the Gibbs brothers more than edged them out in her opinion.

“This looks more like a control room for a spaceship than a jet. I bet this could fly us to the moon.”

Jay smiled wickedly. “Maybe we could schedule that trip for you later.”

“We will be taking off shortly,” Zane told them. “Once we are in the air, Anne will be serving you your meal, which smells delicious.”

“Miguel and Roberto are amazing chefs,” Maddox said.

“My first time eating their food was yesterday at lunch, and it was incredible.”