He inhaled delicious aromas. “Sweetheart, whatever you’re cooking smells fantastic.”

Maddox nodded. “Zane is right. I can’t wait to taste what you’ve made for us.”

“I really hope you like it. I got all the recipes from Roberto and Miguel’s latest Spanish cookbook.” She laughed. “Plus, since I know their fiancée, I was able to call for further advice.”

“Honey, you didn’t have to go to all that trouble,” Maddox said. “We could have just ordered pizza.”

“But I wanted to, and I really do love to cook.”

“Good, because pizza couldn’t compare to what I’m smelling. I’m glad you cooked.”

“We both are,” Zane said, feeling happier than he’d ever been before. “What’s for dinner, sweetheart?”

She looked radiant and proud. “Follow me and find out.”

They walked into the dining room, which was decked out like it was ready for a photo shoot of a magazine. On the buffet next to the table was the meal she’d prepared.

Zane couldn’t believe his eyes. There were so many choices. “You must have been cooking all day to prepare this.”

“Pretty much.” She grinned and began pointing at each of the platters. “We’re going to start with tapas—avocado stuffed with spicy shredded beef, fried eggplant in molasses, potatoes in garlic, olives, and tomato toast.”

“Roberto and Miguel might have some serious competition, especially if you decide to open your own restaurant.”

“Not me. I love to cook for people I care about, but have no desire to cook for strangers.” She pointed at a soup tureen. “Our second course is gazpacho.”

“I love gazpacho soup,” Maddox confessed. “So does Zane.”

“It’s true,” he added.

“I know. Cami and her guys filled me in on your likes and dislikes at the restaurant.”

Zane was so pleased Toni had gone beyond anything he’d ever imagined to make sure the evening was perfect. It meant so much to him that she cared.

“Our third course is shrimp paella.” She motioned to a plate that was being heated by a flame below.

“Yum,” Maddox said.

“And then to end the evening we’ll have orange flan.” She poured all three of them a glass of wine and then made a toast. “To my two handsome pilots, who rescued my sons and me. I will forever love you.”

“We love you,” he and Maddox said together.

They clinked their glasses together and then sipped the wine.

“My God, what is this?” He’d never tasted such delicious wine before.

“You don’t like it?” Her eyes were wide with concern. “I asked Roberto what was the best wine that would go with this meal and he said this was it. So I decided to splurge and go ahead and buy it.”

“Honey, don’t get the wrong idea. I think this wine is fantastic.”

“The best wine I’ve ever tasted,” Maddox said.

She took a deep breath. “Oh, I’m glad you like it. Roberto and Miguel took me to their distributor early this morning. They were really nice people and know so much about wine.” She held up the bottle proudly. “Tonight is special. Our first date. I knew I had to have the best for us. There are only six of these bottles left in the whole world, and we have two of them. So enjoy, guys.”

The meal she’d prepared was wonderful—every bite delicious.

After dessert, they each had another glass of the wine.

“Let’s move to the sofa and start the movie,” she said.