Their armor glistened like mirrors. Seeing her reflection in the metal, she was surprised that no one seemed to care that she was wearing her bathrobe. She laughed aloud, swaying to Gya Gaynor’s song, which seemed slightly odd given where the three of them were, a castle, and also when they were, back in medieval times. But she didn’t give it another thought, because she was in the arms of Clay and Jay, the two noblest knights of the realm. And the sexiest, too.

They twirled her again, and the next moment she was lying in a meadow, naked between them, with Gya singing another one of her favorite songs.

Clay brushed the hair out of her eyes and leaned down and kissed her. She melted into him. His armor had vanished and she could feel his muscled body pressing into her. Jay touched her breasts and kissed her back. His naked frame felt good against her body. Two naked men, next to me. She just loved this. But how did this work? She wanted them both.

Clay and Jay began sucking on her breasts, moving their hands all over her. Their intimate caresses made her skin tingle and her temperature rise. God, how she needed them. It had been so long.

They kissed her everywhere—her neck, her nipples, down her sides and to her pussy. As their licks drove her wild with desire, the music got faster and faster, the beat deeper and deeper. She could feel the vibration on her skin.

“I want you. I want you both,” she confessed, looking into their blue eyes. “Please, oh please. I need you inside me.”

They both nodded, and the music ended.

“Incoming call from Clay and Jay Gibbs.”

She reached for her phone. “Did you hear me? I need you.”

“You need me. Izzy?” Clay asked. “Is everything okay?”

The fuzziness of her sex dream melted away, and Izzy sat up in the tub. Oh God, did I just do that? “I was talking to my dog.”

“Do you need someone to take care of your dog while you’re gone?”

Damn, I don’t even have a dog. “It’s all taken care of. I’m ready to go.”

“Jay and I grew up with German Shepherds. We love dogs, but living in a high rise we’ve decided not to get one. What kind of dog do you have?”

“Um. A little one. Brown.” She was digging the hole even deeper but couldn’t figure a way out.

“What’s his or her name?”

“Brownie.” Oh God. What I am I saying? Think. Her girlfriends Toni & Cami had dogs. Toni’s was a black Lab, but Cami’s was brown. “She’s a toy dachshund.”

“A toy dachshund?” Clay laughed. “I didn’t know that breed had a toy size.”

“Well, it does.”

“I can’t wait to meet Brownie. Hey, Jay. Izzy has a dog, a brown toy dachshund named Brownie.”

“I’ve never heard of a toy dachshund before.”

She could hear Jay in the background and knew that things were going from bad to worse faster than she could imagine.

“That’s what I told her, too,” Clay said. “Izzy, why I called was we thought we could come get you in the limo and help you with your luggage. And we could get breakfast before the trip.”

The trip. Thank God we can talk about something else. “That sounds great.”

“Perfect. That way Jay and I can meet Brownie.”

How do I get myself into these messes? “Unfortunately, she’ll be gone before you get here.”

“That’s too bad. But we’ll have to meet her when we get back from London.”

Somehow she needed to find a way to come clean with him and Jay about Brownie. But she obviously couldn’t tell them about her dream.

“Jay and I are looking forward to working with you,” Clay said.

“Me, too.” Working. That’s what this is. A job. Can’t be more than that. Keep this professional. “I’m ready to dive into this project. I’ll see you both in the morning.”