“Is that them?” Izzy’s worried voice came through. “Is that Toni?”

“They’re all fine, honey,” Clay said.

“Oh, thank God,” she said.

“We’re talking to Maddox and will fill you in on the details.”

“Maddox, I know Toni is worn out, but please have her call me when she’s rested.”

“I will, Izzy. I know she’ll want to talk to you and Cami, too. We’ve all given our statements to the police, so they’ll let us go shortly. Since Toni is so exhausted, she’ll likely nod off on the drive to the hotel. Zane and I will get her settled into her room. I expect she’ll sleep at least eight hours.”

“However long she needs, let her sleep,” Izzy said. “We can talk in the morning when she wakes up.”

“That might be better, sweetheart,” Jay said. “Clay and I should have some answers about Joel and Restin’s trust fund by then.”

“Trust fund?” she asked.

“We’ll tell you about it, honey,” Clay said. “Maddox, we’ll call you tomorrow. You and Zane get some rest, too. I’m sure you’re both exhausted as well.”

“It has been quite a harrowing twenty-four hours, that’s for sure. Talk to you tomorrow.” Maddox put his cell away and walked over to Zane, who had finished giving his statement. “Ready to go?”

“Definitely. I want to get Toni as far away from this place as possible.”

“Me, too, bro, but for now the hotel will have to suffice. She needs rest.”

They walked over to her, Joel, and Restin.

Joel stood and smiled. “Here come the two men of the hour.”

Restin also stood and shook hands with them. “I know we only met briefly at the wedding, but I feel like I already know you after all we just went through together.”

“Same here, Restin,” he said.

“I really want to thank you for taking care of Mom and my brother—and for rescuing me.”

“Anyone would have helped, Resti

n,” Zane said. “You were in a very tough spot.”

“You’re just being modest. Few people would have walked into this compound and done what you and Maddox did. But yes, I was in a tough spot. I actually was Peter’s prisoner. Once I got here, I knew he wouldn’t let me leave.”

“No doubt about that,” Joel said, turning to Maddox and Zane. “Leron obviously took the note Restin left me. He was the guy who came to Milwaukee for us. It’s clear that Peter would have done anything to get Restin and me to Jamaica.”

“That’s for sure,” Restin said. “I overheard him talking to Leron this morning about returning to Milwaukee to get Joel. Now we know all he wanted was our trust fund.”

“Once Peter got his hands on our money he would have killed us and Mom would have never known what happened to us.”

Restin nodded. “Even though Peter made many promises to me with a smile always plastered on his face, the bastard wouldn’t let me on the computer or the phone or let me out of the gates. That’s why I had to use the groundskeeper’s cell. I would have told Joel more during our call, but Peter walked out and I didn’t have a chance. I had to hang up before he saw me.”

Toni put her arms around both her sons. “I know it’s awful to say but I’m glad Peter is gone for good. Thank you, guys. I never will be able to repay you for all you’ve done for us.”

“Mom, is that all you’re going to do for them?” Joel asked.

“I don’t know what you mean.” She looked confused.

“Maddox and Zane saved our lives. Don’t they at least deserve a kiss?”

“What are you talking about?”