“I don’t know how many times I’ve stood out here but I’ve never appreciated it as much as now.”

“I bet I know what’s different with you,” his twin said with a grin. “You’re thinking about Izzy, aren’t you? I saw that look on your face. I can’t get her off of my mind either, not that I want to.”

“She is amazing, isn’t she?” Clay clinked his bottle to Jay’s. “I knew the minute we sat beside her in Bill’s office that I wanted to get to know her better. And lunch just made me want her all the more. She’s gorgeous, smart, funny, and I love the cute way she fumbles with things when she’s nervous.”

“She’s perfect for us, Clay. In every way.”

“But that doesn’t mean she’s into us.” He thought about how she’d reacted at lunch. “Did you notice what happened after we each took her hands?”

Jay nodded. “She looked down. I’m not sure what that meant because she seemed to be having such a good time.”

“Perhaps we came on too fast, too strong. I doubt she’s ever had two men at once, Jay.”

“We didn’t ask her to go to bed with us at lunch, bro. We just turned on the good ole Gibbs charm. I just don’t know if that was enough to win Izzy.”

Clay drank his beer, wondering how he and Jay could approach her. “She’s probably way out of our league, but I have to try.”

“The important thing is we’ve got to be ourselves with her.” Jay was the most honest person he knew, which was why he admired him so much. “We know what we want, Clay. It may be unconventional, but after all we’ve been through it’s who we are.”

Losing their parents had bonded them even tighter together. They were more than just brothers. They had each other’s back, always. “I agree. We want to share the same woman, and I am starting to think that just might be Izzy.”

Jay leaned forward. “Are you talking permanent here, Clay? We just met her.”

“It’s definitely been on my mind, and clearly on yours, too.”

“Yes it has.” Jay clinked his bottle to his. “We are so much alike, but we do need to take one step at a time with her, Clay. If we don’t, we may lose her.”

“The good thing is we get her all to ourselves for at least a few days in London, maybe even a few weeks.”

Jay grinned. “And the Gibbs Twins don’t need much more than that to win her heart, do they?”

“I guess we’ll find out, won’t we.”

“I w

ill tell you this, whatever it takes to make Izzy happy and laughing is what I plan on doing.”

“Me, too. That smile of hers is something I want to see as often as I can.” Clay recalled how beautiful Izzy’s lips were and wondered what they tasted like.

Chapter Five

Izzy chose her favorite selection of songs and plugged her cell into the speakers. Gya Gaynor’s latest hit began to play.

Plunging her fingers into the water to test the temperature, she found it perfect, nice and warm, just the way she liked. After adding a few drops of her favorite scent, she lit a candle. Taking a bath had always been something she enjoyed, a sanctuary of sorts where she could totally relax.

She took off her robe, grabbed her glass of wine, and stepped into the tub. A long, luxurious soak was in order after packing her clothes for the London trip. Not certain how many days or weeks she would be gone, Izzy had packed both of her suitcases, makeup case, and a garment bag. She was ready to stay indefinitely, should the project require it.

She took a sip of wine and then placed her bath pillow behind her head, sinking into the water up to her neck.

She listened to the song by her favorite artist. Gya Gaynor had the voice of an angel. She remembered reading somewhere that Ms. Gaynor had married her two bodyguards. Was it true? The picture that had accompanied the article of the threesome seemed to indicate it was. Gya was smiling and in the arms of her two men.

What would it be like to be with more than one man at the same time? Izzy yawned, wondering how a woman could love two men. If she ever got the chance to meet Gya, she would ask her. Like that’s ever going to happen. She’s a superstar. She closed her eyes, being carried to a state of total relaxation by the song and her delicious thoughts. What would it be like to be with Clay and Jay?

As images of them wearing suits of armor filled her mind, she grinned, drifting further and further...

“Lady Izzy,” Clay bowed in front of her, took her hand, and brought it to his lips. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”

The very next moment, she found herself in the middle of the floor, dancing with Clay but also with Jay. They both twirled her between them, each staying on either side of her, like the knights of old ready to draw their blades to protect her.