“No, thank you,” she answered. “God, Restin has to be okay. He just has to be.”

Zane wanted to assure her that everything was going to be okay. “Sweetheart, it’s likely there is some reasonable explanation for your son’s disappearance that will come to light once Restin shows back up.” God, please let him show back up for her. But there was still a possibility that something was wrong. Really wrong. No matter what they found in Milwaukee, he and Maddox would stay by her side through it all.

Chapter Seven

Toni’s insides were churning like mad as she stepped out of the plane. She saw Joel running toward her.

“He’s okay, Mom,” he yelled with every step. “He’s okay. Restin is fine.”

A rush of relief shot through her and she put her arms around Joel. “Where is he? Where is your brother?”


“Jamaica? What in the hell is he doing in Jamaica? And why didn’t he tell us where he was going?”

Maddox and Zane came up beside her from the plane.

“He’s okay,” she told them with tears in her eyes.

“Yes, we heard.” Maddox said smiling. “Your son is in Jamaica.”

She turned back to Joel.

He hugged her. “Restin’s cell doesn’t work in Jamaica for some reason. So he borrowed one from one of the groundskeepers and got a message off to me an hour ago. He said he left me a note back at our place about the trip, but I haven’t been able to find it.”

“Joel, you still haven’t told me why your brother went to Jamaica.”

“You’re not going to like it.”

“Joel Hanson Edmunds, spit it out.”

“Our father sent a friend to get both of us and bring us to him. He lives in Jamaica, Mom.”

Her entire body stiffened. What the hell did Peter want with the boys after all this time? “How did he know where you two were?”

“Restin said he found us on Facebook.”

“He sent someone for both of you?”

“Apparently, but the guy couldn’t wait.”

“Your brother could have sent you a text. His cell does work here.” It wouldn’t have eased her worries much, but at least she would have known where her son was.

“Mom, you know how Restin is about charging his phone. It was dead. That’s why he said he left me the note. I don’t know why I can’t find it. Restin doesn’t lie.”

“Neither of you do.” If that bastard does anything to hurt Restin he will breathe his last breath.

“I’m still surprised Restin went, Mom. That’s just not like him. But he’s always wanted to confront our father about what he did to you.”

“Both of you did as soon as you learned about your father.” She wondered if being totally honest with her boys had been a mistake. If she’d held back some of the details about Peter, maybe Restin wouldn’t have been tricked into going to Jamaica. Or maybe instead of being angry with his father, he would have been curious and still went.

“Where is Restin staying?”

“At our father’s compound.”

Compound? Why did the asshole wait until my boys turned eighteen to reach out to them? But she already knew the answer. Peter was a creep and a sneak, but most of all he always had his self-interest in mind. If he’d tried to take the boys to Jamaica when they were minors, he would have been accused of kidnapping. She knew that Peter didn’t give a shit about Restin or Joel, so there had to be more to this. But what?

“I’ve got our father’s address. I talked to Aunt Izzy before you landed and told her everything. She’s booked you, me, and your two friends on the next flight to Jamaica.” Joel held out his hand for Zane and Maddox.